The Bananasis Splitsicus: Part 2

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This episode takes the team into the notorious Mesa City and they face mob boss, Muggshot.

The team drove off to Utah in Mesa City to face Muggshot.

 Fleegle (Narrating): It had been a while since I'd been back in Utah. Next up, the notorious Muggshot, ruthless muscle of the Fiendish Five. What he lacked in brains, he definitely made up for in brawn. Turns out he wasn't always that way. He grew up as the runt of the litter, the neighborhood weakling. The only friends he could turn to were usually found on the big screen. It was there that he spotted his first gangster, and he knew instantly that's what he wanted to be. He spent the rest of his youth working real hard to get there, fueled on his dreams of great power and respect. With enough perspiration, he realized that dream. He'd become a hard-boiled, street brawling, tough-as-nails gangster, ensuring that he'd never be picked on or pushed around again. So he's holed up in Mesa City, huh? I've always wanted to go to that thriving American boomtown.

The team finally drove and stop at Mesa City so Bon Bon and Hootie can sneak inside.

Fleegle: (Comms) I thought you said Mesa was going to be loud and busy. It's like more of a ghost town from here.

Harmony: (Comms) Be careful, guys. This place seems dangerous. 

Bon Bon: It's ok. 

Hootie: Yeah, we'll think of something.

They go inside sleathly past the guards who were looking out for any intruders.

Then an intercom comes up on the speaker.

Muggshot (intercom): Yo, Hey yo, yo! It's the boss! You know, I am the first to admit that maybe driving everyone out of town, while necessary to set up shop, might have taken a hit out of the business. So, now I hope you mugs would be obliged to any visitors that come here to lose their money in my casino. But, I got a reliable tip that a cop might be snooping around the operation. So from now on, greet any visitors you see with a hail of lead! Capiche?

They go around scourging for the keys and they both had to split up to find them all but they did have a few obstacles along the way.

But Hootie saw Drooper inside the car with the others competing in a derby with other racers.

Hootie: (Comms) What happened, guys? 

Fleegle: We were just getting something to eat then we're getting challenged by these street-dogs to a race!

Hootie: And the key is the prize for it? 

Drooper: Righty there, partner! Three laps round to win the prize.

Hootie: All right! Win the key then let me use it so me and Harmony can use the keys to unlock the door to Muggshot's office!

All: On it!

The rest of the gang races against the derby drivers and with their impressive driving abilities, they won the sixth key.

Harmony: Nice job, guys!

The next intercom is a message to Hootie and Harmony with them swiping the keys all over Mesa City.

Muggshot (intercom): I got a personal message for the two-bit thieves who's making off with all my treasure keys: you're dead, pallies! If I get my hands on you, I'm going to fit you with your own pair of cement bunny slippers. You hear me? You're lunchmeat, jerks!

Hootie: We're going to get you, bone breath after we got the last key!

They go to the plaza and sees the last key in a broken down train wreck but Sammy also arrives on the scene. 

Sammy: Hello ladies. Haven't seen you since we met at Paris.

Harmony: This is our personal business and you're interfering!

Sammy: Guys, please! Let me assist you on the case. Besides, you will need the help.

Hootie: This is our feud against the Five! Stay out of this!

Sammy: Ok. Fine. I'll just leave.

The police officer leaves again but with a tip of gratitude in the form of a rose.

The cat and owl duo head back to the casino and unlock the doors but they're also reinforced with a code.

BIngo: Try using the code: 7-6-4-2-1.

Harmony types in the code and the doors automatically open by themselves. 

They take the elevator to Muggshot's central office and find him sitting is a big chair with lights flickering.

Muggshot: What? My boys have been yapping about some big, mysterious dudes running around cracking skulls and, and this is it?! You're the monkey wrenches in my operation? Some scrawny cat and bird with hats ... wait a second... I've seen that hat before.

Hootie: Maybe when Fleegle's dad knocked your block off wearing it.

Muggshot: His father? Wow! You guys are Splits too?!?! You know, that Thingus Splitsagoocus had a lot of nice pictures, but way too many big words. 

Harmony: So you don't mind handing it to us, please?

Muggshot: What are you kidding? You break into my place, steal my stuff, trash the joint. I feel transgressed and violated. Let's rock, ladies!

Muggshot tries to shoot them both with his guns but they dodged the attacks quickly.

Harmony: Hmm.. I have an idea!

 Hootie: What is it? 

Harmony: To hit those mirrors and deflect his attacks to himself.

They hit the mirrors and they hit Muggshot's guns.

Muggshot: (screams) My beautiful gun is destroyed! Good thing I got a spare upstairs.

The bulldog gangster runs up the elevator and they once again engage in battle for the book. 

They fight Muggshot until they finally duel the final blow on him.

Muggshot: This is impossible! Little pipsqueaks like you beating a big, strong bruiser like me? It ain't right! You want all of that stupid picture book, you're gonna to have to go down to Haiti and cross paths with Mz. Ruby. And then believe you me, you don't want to be you!

Fleegle (narrating): Muggshot's section of the Bananasis Splitsicus contained an entry from my gun-slinging ancestor "Tennessee Kid" Beagle. His specialty was the Rail Walk and Rail Slide, moves perfected through a lifetime of theft in the Old West.

Fleegle (narrating): Getting out of town proved to be a little more challenging than getting in. Having just missed us, Inspector Fox went for the next best thing and dragged that canine steroid case off to jail. That was the end of Muggshot's gambling empire, and Mesa City citizens soon returned home, while me and the boys, well, we enjoyed the rest of our stay in America... and then returned to Paris, ready for our next mission.

The dramatic music plays and credits roll in.

To be continued..............

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