Hopping Trails

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This episodes takes Guava, Hootie, Bingo, Drooper and Rasher in the swamp to help a frog named Lily defend her people from an evil heron named Wingspan. 

But they drive around the swamp in a boat that takes them into the murky, moist, wet, barren wonder of nature. 

Guava: [Inhales deeply] Smell the swamp air. 

Bingo: It smells like fermented soil and dried up onions. 

Hootie: This makes me feel a little.... sick. [Groans woozily then retches.] 

Drooper: Yeah. Gross. So where are we going now?

Rasher: It says-sss that ss-ssomeone is harming the village called Wartwood and there's a heron named Wings-span who's terrorizing them!

Then after some more driving around the mush water in the swamp, Bingo notices a shadow pass by them fast.

BIngo: Did you guys see that? 

Drooper: See what? 

Bingo: I saw a shadow whoosh by like... WHOOSH! 

Guava: Huh. Hmmm. 

Rasher coils up and starts to snore like crazy.

Rasher: [Snores very loud.] 

Bingo: And you guys say I snore loud. 

Then the shadow then hits the boat they were on. 

Drooper: Whoever's there, I have claws under these paws! Do not, I beg of you, do not make bring out these things! It gets ugly! 

The figure then comes towards the team and revealed herself.... as a frog!

Lily: Hello. How are you guys doing? 

Hootie: We're doing ok. Who are you? 

Lily: Oh sorry. My name is Lily the frog. It's obvious why my name's Lily. 

Guava: Oh! Lily pads. 

Lily: Yup! As you can see, I'm a frog. 

Drooper: Your skin is so moist.

Lily: Yeah. I'm amphibious which means I go in water to keep my skin moist. 

Rasher: Cool. So what seems to be the iss-ssue? 

Lily: Oh, right. A heron has been terrorizing my town and eating my people. This is super bad!

Bingo: Oh no, bro! Nobody eats my friends and gets away with it! Especially new friends we just met. 

Drooper: [Roars with determination.] 

Then they drive off into Wartwood with their new froggy friend, Lily. 

After 10 minutes of steering through the wet and sticky swamp, they finally made it to Wartwood. 

Lily: Welcome to Wartwood, the heart and soul of this beautiful community of all amphibians.

Drooper: This place is so... exotic!

Hootie: It's so amazing! 

Bingo: A ape could used to a place like this. That is if I lived here before. 

Guava: And they have so much fruit and goodies to try! Even guavas! My favorite!

Wingspan then flies down and attacks the frog people.

Wingspan: You know what's my favorite? EATING FROG LEGS FOR DINNER! [Squawks fiercely] 

Lily: Ahhh! 

Bingo: Get away from her! [Punches Wingspan in the head.] 

Drooper then pounces on him but his feathers were too smooth to get a good grip.

Wingspan: You will not win! [Squawks tauntingly] 

Hootie: Squawk at this! 

Hootie then divebombs on Wingspan which causes him to be a little disoriented.

Wingspan then flies away with a grudge against Hootie. 

Wingspan: You haven't heard the last of me, owl! I'll be back soon! 

He then flies away and the frog people then congratulate the team for saving them. 

All: Thank you for saving us from the evil blue heron! 

Lily: Thank you guys so much!

Rasher: Who was-ss that?

Lily: My arch nemesis Wingspan, the evil blue heron. He comes after time and time again, to eat us because herons eat frogs. 

Drooper: Oh no! That's terrible!

Bingo: How long has this been going on?

Lily: Ever since I was a little tadpole. 

Hootie: So a long time, then?

Lily: We've been living in fear of him for so long, and we are defenseless against him.

Guava: Not anymore! We're going to help you protect your home against that pencil-necked, scrawny, no-good frog eater!

A training montage starts as the Splits help the frog people learn how to defend the town from Wingspan and his cannibalist nature of eating frogs. 

Then after hours of training and hardcore working, they were prepared to take on Wingspan and end his reign of terror. 

Then Wingspan flies back to Wartwood for a vengeance to beat the team.

Wingspan: Where are you? I want to peck your faces off. 

Frogs starts kicking him from all angles in surprise with might and courage in themselves. 

Then the Splits starts to wrap him in rope and pull him down to ground level. 

Wingspan then tries to attack Rasher with his feet, but Drooper and Guava pinned him down to the dirt. 

Hootie: Do mess with us or our friends, understand?

Wingspan: [Sighs disappointingly] Yes. 

Hootie: Now get out of here!

Hootie flings Wingspan into the sky to somewhere far and the frog people were safe from his tyranny. 

Lily: You saved us and you helped us find the courage we needed to protect ourselves. And for that, we thank you for good.

Drooper: And thank you for letting us do our duty. You have earned the official Banana Splits helmet.

Bingo places the helmet on Lily's head and finally claims her a valuable member.

Music plays when the screen cuts to black and credits roll in.

Lily:  Wanna hear a joke? 

[Fly buzzes in her face.]

Lily: One second. [Chomps and slurps]  What happens when two frogs collide? They get tongue tied! Hahaha!

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