The Bananasis Splitsicus: Part 1

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This episode takes the Banana Splits as adults and finally ready to face their adversary head to head. But first they need to get the file on the Fiendish Five before confronting Black Thunder: The leader of the villainous vandals.

Fleegle and Bon Bon are starting to infiltrate the police facility to collect the file on the foes.

Drooper: Guys? Guys! Do you read me on the headsets?

Bon Bon: Yeah! Loud and.... very loud.

Amy: Sorry. We just have jitters. Breaking into a police headquarters can do that to you.

Fleegle: We got to steal that file from Ms. Sammy Fox.

Hootie; All right. Just be careful.

Bon Bon and Fleegle go inside through the vent and climb down the ladder.

BIngo: Careful now.

Harmony: Those lasers will set off the alarm, not to mention they'll cut you in half.

Fleegle grabs Bon Bon's tail to lower her down to the ground and he uses his ears to propel himself down safe and sound.

Drooper: Now get to Sammy's office. The file should be in there.

Fleegle and Bon Bon walk around the HQ until they finally reach the red door.

Bon Bon: That's it? That was so easy.

Fleegle: Let me open it. (Grunts)

The door was locked and they had to walk on the window to go inside.

Harmony: All right. That vault in front of you is reinforced. Try the code 9-3-7.

Fleegle tries the code and unlocks it then grabs the file.

Bingo: Nice job, guys. Now come down the fire escape and come in the Banana Van.

They make to the first set of stairs but Sammy stops them from going any further.

Sammy: Hold it right there! I caught you red-handed!

Fleegle: If it isn't Sammy Fox. I remember we gave you the slip at New York City during the incident with Ms. Vulture.

Sammy: Which reminds me to talk about this mysterious Thunder guy.

Bon Bon: Look I'd hate to interrupt you Ms. Fox, but this is personal business between the FIendish Five and us.

Sammy: Come on! Let me help you. Nobody says you have to do this alone.

Fleegle: NO! We need to do this ourselves. End of story! Bye-bye. (Whispers) See you later.

Sammy: Hmm.... all right. Go ahead and face the criminals yourselves. I will not stop you.

Sammy lets the duo leave in the van with the rest of the team.

Fleegle: Travel log 122, I am driving in the car with my friends and heading to the first location of the Fiendish Five. I have the file of the FIendish Five and going to avenge my family's legacy. You see my family had made a book based of the history of my ancestors called... The Bananasis Splitsicus. It all started when I was a baby, my father showed me the book of which contained all sorts of knowledge that my family had gained over the years and I was amazed to see pieces of wisdom right in front of my eyes. That was until a group of five visitors came to our home and tried to destroy our house. My father bravely fought to protect us but they overpowered him and ransacked our house until they found the book. They took the book into pieces and scattered them all over the world to do dastardly crimes for their own gains. But all those plans end today.

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