Bananasis Splitsicus: Part 4

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Fleegle (narrating): The road trip gave me the time I needed to study up on the Panda King. Born penniless, he was fascinated by the fireworks rich noblemen set off every New Years. He spent a decade learning the art, but when he tried to offer his fireworks to the noblemen, they couldn't see past his shabby clothes and chased him away. Humiliated, the Panda King took revenge on those who shunned him by using the very tools of his art for crime. The Fiendish Five recruited him as their demolitions expert, and from then on, his explosive touch became feared worldwide. He's rumored to be perfecting some new firework technique high in the unstable Kunlun Mountains of western China.

The team finally makes it to China to find Panda King and bring him to justice.

Amy goes outside the car to bring the firework freak to honor and turn this right.

Fleegle: All right, fish lips. It's your job to find the Panda King and hand him to the police.

Amy: Sounds easy enough.

Harmony: Not to mention that he recently buried a village in snow with explosives.

Amy: Sounds hard.

Bingo: You sure you don't want any of us to do it? 

Amy: I'm sure. Even though me and Panda King have different elements, my heart's fire is as bright as ever.

Amy walks around to get the keys around the temples and homes of China.

Panda King (intercom): Attention, valued employee. Sadly, Hinkau village elect not to pay for avalanche protection service, and so I am forced to bury alive under many ton of snow. Please be on guard for any surviving villager that come looking for revenge. Thank you, that is all.

Amy goes inside the first three temples to find the keys but they're surrounded by guards who are heavily armored.

Amy: (Whispers) Wow. Someone really wants these keys protected so bad.

Amy went to the next safehouse to get the next key from the guards.

Amy: (Whispers) Welp, looks like Raleigh was right. Some places really are so fortified, even a snake wouldn't slither in here.

BIngo: Yo, Amy! I can get two more of those keys for you so you can unlock that big firework stand and launch yourself towards Panda's hideout.

Amy: How are you going to get it?

Bingo: Well a group of monkeys were bugging me to race three times around and the prize is a blue key that unlocks the gate to the firework.

Amy: All right. Win the race and get that key, buddy!

Bingo: The BIngo will be triumphant!

BIngo takes the challenge of racing for the key.

Bingo: Eat it, you long-tailed suckers! The Bingo shall be victorious!

With his great and improved driving skills, he was able to win the key and give to Amy.

Amy: Thanks, Bingo!

Bingo: No problem, chum!

Amy goes to the rooftops to get a better view but Sammy was blocking the way.

Amy: Ohh... you're that fox lady who was trying to stop my team from apprehending Black Thunder.

Sammy: Come on! I can be of great help to you and your allies.

Amy: All right. I'll be willing to cut you some slack but.... (whispers) don't tell Fleegle I said this.

Sammy: My snout is sealed.

Sammy leaves Amy in her own mission to find other keys to unlock the firework.

Amy goes into a game of color coating the fireworks.

Amy: Hmmm.... Maybe if I bring the fireworks to the right color, I'll get the fifth key.

She uses her knowledge of puzzles to bring the colors to their rightful place.

Amy: Whoo-hoo! I did it! And got the key!

Snorky: (Honks on comms)

Amy: All right, Snorky. I'll try to get the sixth key from the big guard. Do not worry.

BIg Guard: I know you're not here to brawl because there's no man who can beat my score.

Amy: All I want is that key.... but if you're scared of losing to a girl, I understand.

Big Guard: Since I am a sportsman, I'll let you go ahead, sweet thing. If you win, you get this key and walk away. But if I win, you have to give me a kiss.

Amy: (Sighs) This guy's breath smells like fermented gym socks!

Drooper: (Comms) We don't have time! The fate of our history is in your hands!

Amy: All right! I'll do your challenge but better be ready to hand over that trophy!

Guard: And you better get ready for some lip wrestling when I win! (Laughs then coughs)

Amy fights each and every guard except the big one. But she did not care if he was big or not because she was determined to take on the challenge.

She pummels him into pulp then wins the challenge.

Amy: HA-HA! I win...again!

She then goes back to the gate and unlocks the fireworks to get to the Panda King's hideout.

Amy lands right in front of the Panda King's face.

Panda King: I see you wear the helmet of the notorious Banana Split clan. Have you come here for revenge? To steal back the Bananasis Splitsicus?

Amy: That was my plan at first, but now I'm more interested in putting an end to your avalanche extortion racket.

Panda King: Why should you care if I bury a few worthless village in snow? You are free, just like me.

Amy: No, that's only half right. I am free but I'm still a honored member of my team. While you... you're just a frustrated firework artist turned homicidal pyromaniac.

Panda King:  Insolent child! You shall pay dearly for your disrespect. Still, to honor your family and team's ancestry, I will send you to your doom with the beauty of my new firework technique... Flame-Fu!

Amy: Bring it on!

She fights the Panda King but he uses his three moves: Fiery Wheel, Palms of Thunder and Booming Chop! 

She uses her own moves: Wet Willy, Waves of Terror and Tsunami of Justice.

They both uses their moves but Amy triumphs over the Panda King.

Panda King: Your skill with that helmet is unparalleled. (coughs) Aaahhh!

Fleegle: (Comms)  I did a cross-analysis of the metal used in that high tech blasting vehicle and it turns out it can only be found in one place — the Krakarov Volcano in Russia. That's got to be where we'll find the fifth member of the Fiendish Five. So get what you came for and let's get out here! 

Fleegle (narrating): Retrieving the Panda King's section of the Bananasis Splitsicus gave me a chance to learn about my technically-minded ancestor Otto van Beagle. Not known for his physical dexterity, Otto relied on vehicles to aid him in his heroic endeavors. Armed with his designs, I was sure Drooper and Bingo would be able to make some cool modifications to the team van. 

The final chapter takes the team to the volcano in Russia to finally face off with Black Thunder for the final battle between them!

To be continued.........

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