All Hail King Drooper: Part 2

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This episode continues with the team and adults and they're having a great trip in the grassy plains of Kenya and they meet Drooper's parents, cousin and old friend when the lion was just a young cub.

But it continues with Alice driving the team around in her safari jeep.

Alice: On to your right, you'll see a herd of zebras galloping across the grass. On your left, you'll see a pack of wild dholes feasting on that carcass. 

Bingo: Oh wow! Such a beautiful sight to see.

Amy: This is amazing! Look all around!

Fleegle: (Sniffles) I think I'm allergic to some of the plants in the area. (Sneezes)

Hootie: Hey! Say it, don't spray it!

They drive around the area for little bit until the jeep suddenly hits a sharp rock on the tires and the car breaks down.

Harmony: What was that?

Snorky: (Honks worriedly)

Alice: It seems we popped a tire and we're miles away from the nearest town. So I'll just have to call the tow and be on our way. Meanwhile you can go search the area for excitement.

Drooper: Just what we needed. A breakdown.

Bon Bon: Great and now we're stuck here.

Fleegle: Look on the bright side. Now we get to explore so let's wipe those sad faces and have fun!

The team listened to Fleegle and went around the area for a little bit and got a bit hungry as well.

Drooper: Wait.... guys! You may want to take a look at this.

Harmony: What is it, Drooper?

Bingo: Yeah! It is cool?

Amy: You have no idea.

The team walks up the hill and sees the watering hole with all animals gathered around with predators and prey being united with fighting and hunting. 

Fleegle: Oh my.. whoa! 

Bon Bon: Am I crazy?

Bingo: Look at all those elephants. Like you, Snorky.

Snorky: (Honks joyous)

Hootie: This is your ancestral crib! It's in your blood! I can feel it.

Drooper: No, no. It's.. It's like deja vu like.... like I've been before.

Bingo: It's like Roots!

Drooper: No, no. It's.. It's like deja vu like.... like I've been before.

The team runs down the hill to greet the local animals of Africa to feel welcome there.

Drooper: HOW!

The animals looks at Drooper with confusion and surprise with these newcomers.

Drooper: HOW! Me Drooper. Me and me friends drive, drive in great metal carriage. Then plummet! (Whistles) GO BOOM! Here.. we emerge. We offer only happiness and good greetings.

Hippo Female: Is he dancing about a car crash?

Drooper: Yeah, we just thought... Sorry.

Giraffe: You mean you came from off the reserve?

Bingo: Yeah way off. At the city in North America in fact.

The animals start clamoring at one another at a time until Zumba brusts the elephant's ears and start roaring. 

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