Baby Buzzard

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This episode features Chip the 9-year old woodpecker doing a babysitting service in exchange for money but Leroy Buzzard pretends to a baby, trying to steal from Chip's home.

But this chapter starts as a beautiful with Leroy sitting on a bench, reading the local newspaper.  And Leroy sees his own face as a convicted felon to $10,000 for whoever catches him.

Leroy: Yep. Still running my ad. Haha. [Reading] "Professional babysitting service for the rich and famous."  For $500 bucks an hour? They must have a lot of dough taking care of all those rich people's kids. Looks like old Leroy Buzzard got some woik to do. 

He runs off to the babysitting house but he's not the only doing it for money. Chip is assigned to take many babies but he's doing it for a living. 

Chip: This babysitting is gonna be a cinch. 

[Telephone rings from the kitchen and Chip answers it.] 

Chip: Bring on the babies, bring on the bucks! Hi, ni Nanny and ha-cha-cha! Hello! Chip's babysitting service.

Outside, Leroy is pretending to be a baby and calling through his cellphone.

Leroy: [Mimicking old lady voice] This is old lady Buzzard. Would you take care of Junior while I get my gems polished? 

Chip: Oh boy! My first customer!

[Door knocks]

Chip: Well, that was fast.

Before he could come outside, Leroy covers himself with a pink blanket to make it look like he's a baby in a basket. 

Chip: Coming! He-llo? Hmm.

He sees the basket and carries it inside of the house with much effort.

Chip: Sheesh! You are one heavy baby! [Grunts with effort then finally brings it inside of the house.]

Leroy gets out the basket with Chip carrying to the couch but when he does, Leroy starts fake cry like a baby. 

Leroy: [Crying like a baby]

Chip: What a loud, ugly baby. "Babies cry when they're hungry." Let's say we make a snacky-wacky, baby-waby?

Chip runs off to the kitchen to make food while Leroy tries to steal from Chip's home. 

Leroy: While that little sap's busy, I'll find where he keeps all his babysitting dough!

[Leroy tries to look around the living room but found nothing. Meanwhile Chip is looking for some food so the "baby" to eat.]

Chip: "Babies need lots of vitamins, but they can't eat big people food." All I got is big people food. A-ha! 

Chip uses his quick-thinking to grind the food into a paste for the ''baby'' to drink.

Leroy is frustrated because he has found nothing to steal from Chippy.

Leroy: Not a single dollop of money! Might as well steal what I can! 

He steals every item in the living room but when Chip comes back, he plays the act again as a baby. 

Chip: Is the little cutie hungry? [Babbles cutely] 

Leroy: Uh-huh.

He feeds Leroy the bottle of food and Leroy looks sick just drinking it.

Chip: Was it yummy?

Leroy: Mmm-hmm. [Passes gas]

Chip: Looks like Baby needs a diaper change. 

He sets Leroy on the table to get changed but has no diapers to use and Leroy is set on stealing from him once again.

Chip: I may not have any diapers, but I do have a piece a curtain to use like a diaper.

He puts the diaper on Leroy but it took some time to put it on.

Chip: There. Doesn't that feel better?

Leroy: [Strained] Uh-huh.

He puts Leroy in a baby crib which is filled with various toys to play with.

Chip: Now baby, you play nice with the little rattle. While I catch up with the morning news. 

And while Chip left, Leroy continues his stealing mission and run away with loot in his hands. 

Then Chipster hears noise and goes to check it out. But what he sees next shocks him. It was Leroy Buzzard in his own home, stealing from his drawers.

Chip: {Gasps] That baby's no baby at all. It's Leroy Buzzard. I'd recognize that beak anywhere. 

But he decides to play along to Leroy's dirty scheme until he calls the cops on Leroy.

Chip: Oh, baby? Is baby tried from playing baby games? Would you look at that? It's nap time. 

He carries Leroy to the room to get some sleep but with a surprise.

Chip: Oh, baby. I don't have a teddy bear, but I got you the next best thing. A real life badger!

[Badger snarls at Leroy]

Chip: Pleasant dreams. 

He leaves Leroy alone with the badger and he is scared for his life, sweating profusely and quivering.

[Crashing, thumping and destroying come from the room where Leroy is in and he is getting hurt by the badger.] 

While Chip is calling the cops to come to the house to arrest Leroy Buzzard.

Chip: Yes, officer. The third house on the right. Oh! And don't forget the reward.

Leroy runs out the house terrified and screaming for his life. 

Leroy: AHHHH!

Leroy is then cornered by a single police officer outside with Chip standing beside the police. 

Leroy: Please, officer! You gotta arrest me! I want to go to jail! Look, I'm no baby, see? I'm Leroy Buzzard, convicted felon. Please don't leave with that crazy woodpecker! [Crying for real this time]

The officer then throws Leroy in the back of the vehicle, bringing him to jail.

Leroy: I can't wait to get back to that pokey! Yep, peanut sandwiches, hot broth and all my buddies!

Leroy was shocked to see another villain Xavier the black cat sitting beside him.

Xavier: Hey buddy!

Then the car drives off with Leroy and Xavier fighting each other.

Leroy: NOOOOO!

Then Chip starts laughing at his own success.

Whimsical music plays and credits roll in.

Chip: For someone like Leroy, guess he really was a big baby. [Laughs] 

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