The Rotten Apples

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This episode bring a new group of villains to the show: The Rotten Apples! The members include  Brick the brutish and charming  leader, Thomas the enforcer, Alvin the cool guy, Darrell the machinist and Corey the explosives expert. And these teen boys have upstaged the Sour Grapes and Charley is running out of options. So I know everyone's not going to like this but one of the times, Charley goes to Fleegle for help but he's onto her as well because he doesn't trust her as much as he doesn't trust the Apples. 

This all started when Charley is getting bullied by The Apples.

Charley: Stop it, you guys! You're messing up my beautiful hair! 

Thomas: What? Are you gonna cry like a lil baby?

Corey: Wha-wha-whaaaa! Who needs her bottle?

Alvin: And her diaper changed?

Brick walks up and throws a bucket of paint on Charley's head and all the paint comes out splattering on the floor.

Charley: My hair! (Dramatic sobbing) You've all ruined my beautiful blonde hair! I'll destroy you!

Brick: What you'll do is run off like a big scaredy cat and tell your Mommy! (Laughs)

Darrell: Come on, guys. We don't need to waste time with this blonde-haired, hoity-toity princess.

And with that, the boys walked away from Charley leaving her in wet paint and crying fake tears.

Charley: I wish there was someone who can help me deal with these rotten, apple crunching jerks. 

She thought and thought of a plan until she realizes there's one person that can help her with this little incident. 

But she would have to get help from the one person she hated since childhood: Fleegle the Beagle.

She walks up to Fleegle's clubhouse and knocks on the door.

(Door knocking)

Fleegle: Who is it?

Charley: It's the pizza man. Who do you think it is?

Fleegle opens the door and to his surprise, Charley was standing on his porch.

Fleegle: (Screams shockingly)

Charley: Look, Fleegle. I know we've had our differences.

Fleegle: (Yelling) Oh! Like when you tried to kill with that giant robot? Or the time when you grew 50-feet and tried to humiliate me? Or when you framed me for the crime at that fancy mansion party?

Charley looks at the window and tries to reason with the scared beagle.

Charley: I come in peace. This time. And listen, I don't wanna see your face anymore than you don't wanna see mine. But I need your help with something!

Fleegle: Oh that's right. Of course you would like to talk.

He ties up Charley in the living room and sat her on the floor to interrogate the Sour Grape leader.

Charley: Let me go, you jowled jerk! 

Fleegle: Say what you need to say to me and then get out! 

Charley: Ok. I was being bullied by another fruit based gang named the Rotten Apples. Their leader's name is Brick. And he's bit of a tougher version of me! In every way. He's ruthless! Unpredictable and organized but still a dork. Not much like you. 

Fleegle: Okay, I'm going to pretend like you didn't call me a dork.

Charley: Anyway.... these crazy boys have been upstaging me and my team and I'd hate to say it but I need your help.

Fleegle: And why should I trust you of all people? Ever since we were kids, you've been trying to humiliate me or my friends.

Charley: Name your price. I'll give you anything.

Fleegle: Hmm...okay. I'll help you but on one condition: you have to give me a month supply reading of Detective Incorporated: The Trilogy! And a year's supply of bones for me to munch on.

Charley took the offer seeing as how she was desperate for help.

Charley: You're lucky I'm desperate.

Fleegle: And you're lucky I don't have to whoop your butt.

They both shook hands and decided to work together until the boys were taken care of.

They go into town and follow the boys to find out what they're up to. 

Brick: Come on, boys. Let's go hit the arcade for some road ragin'! 

Darrell: Shouldn't we be making sure that Goldilocks back there doesn't follow us?

Alvin: What about her? She can't do anything herself.

Thomas: And with the Sour Grapes out of our way, we'll be the only competitors for the Banana Splits!

All: (Laughing tauntingly) 

Fleegle and Charley came up from behind them, trying to come up with a ingenious plan to deal with them.

Charley: (Whispers softly) How are we going to get rid of them?

Fleegle: We hit 'em hard and fast. Like a ninja in stealth mode, trying to take down the army of Tenshu.

Charley: You can't be serious. And how are we going to do that?

They discuss the master plan until they finally decide to pull a prank on the boys.

They walk by and Fleegle pushes a crate of crabs on top of them.

Crabs fall on top of the team of teens, and the crabs were pinching them.

Alvin: (Screams)

Thomas: Crabs! Crabs everywhere!

Darrell: (Pants) Get em off me! Get em off me!

Corey: Yahhhhhh!!!!

Brick sees Fleegle running off laughing to himself. Brick's head turns red with anger.

Brick: It's that flea-bitten fur ball! Get 'EM!

Fleegle: (Screams)

The boys chase after Fleegle but he's leading them into the trap, and it's all according to plan.

Charley: Over here!

Fleegle grabs the nearby pole that swings him to a balcony, and also causes the boys to miss and to go flying into a mess of sticky jelly.

Brick: Ew!

Corey: What is this stuff?

Thomas: It's jelly, you mush head!

Alvin trips on a wire which also releases bags of chicken feathers and they fall on top of the boys.

Then they hazily walk into the slingshot that Fleegle and Charley had made.

Alvin: Oh no.

Darrell: What is it?

They all realize that they're being pulled on the slingshot, and they're about to be flung.

Charley: Later, you rotten apples.

Fleegle: Bye bye.

He lets go of the slingshot and sends the boys flying into the swamp and Brick hits face first.

Brick: I swear I'll get you two back for this.....

Charley and Fleegle celebrate their victory and for the first time, they actually work together.

Fleegle: That was quite impressive. For a teen of course.

Charley: Don't get cocky, mutt. I still hate you. But if I need any help, I know where to get it.

Fleegle: Well smell you later, blondie. Bye!

They walk away from each other but they smile with admiration for one another.

Music plays and credits roll in.

Bingo: That's all folk..... (Stomach grumbles) I guess I shouldn't have ate those spicy buffalo wings.

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