The Banana Splits Meet Sonic the Hedgehog: Part 3

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This is where Eggman's Chemical Plant Zone and our 12 heroes go there to find the Yellow and Turquoise or maybe cyan Chaos Emeralds. But Gustav, Floyd and Eggman try to take the emeralds for themselves, and it's up to our furry friends to stop this scheme before disaster falls on the world. 

They all venture into the Chemical Plant Zone to track down the Emeralds before their enemies do. 

Sonic: What's the plan, Tails? 

Tails: Well, my Miles Electric is picking up separate energy pulses. The emeralds are in here, but they're in two directions. So one team goes left, the other goes right. 

Fleegle: Ok. I'll take Hootie, Sonic, Yuko, Drooper and Snorky. While Harmony, Bon Bon, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Bingo go in that direction. We meet back here. 

Sonic: All right. Let's go!

The two teams split up from each other to find the two Chaos Emeralds. Then Fleegle asks Sonic more about the Chaos Emeralds' true power. 

Fleegle: So I get the part where you can alter time, revive people back to the living, but how can you go Super with them? 

Sonic: I don't know, I just feel the power of the Emeralds in me, then it changes me into something very powerful. But it's only used for a short time.

Hootie: That's cool.  I wish me and the other members can go super too.

Yuko: I as well. But there is still a cost to having power. Something as powerful as the Chaos Emeralds can also go to your head, corrupt your mind and break your spirit. So it's fine to have powers, but only when you know can truly master it. Just like we did when we first got superpowers. 

Meanwhile with the other team, they still look to investigate of where the Yellow Emerald is. 

Tails: We should be getting close. 

Knuckles: Yup. I can feel the energy getting stronger as we get closer and closer to it. 

Bingo: An echidna gem tracker. Nice. 

Amy: I smell nothing but acid, iron and gears burning. You think for someone who'd make an amazing chemical plant like this, Eggman that would afford to at least clean once in a while.

Harmony: Hmm. It is kinda dusty.  

Bon Bon: Guys, what kind of gems do bees like? 

Tails: What? 

Bon Bon: Rubees! 

[All laugh crazy at Bon Bon's hilarious joke.] 

Then a swarm of robot bees were surrounding the team, and prepared to attack them all. 

Bingo: Ahh! Speaking of which.....Robot bees, 12'o clock!

Tails: It's not even 2: 25 yet. 

Bon Bon: Just hit them!

Then back to the other team, they had found the Cyan Chaos Emerald but was guarding by several Badniks with Robot Fleegle and Metal Sonic as the commanders. 

Eggman: [Microphone] How do you like my Badniks? They've been powered up with the Chaos Emeralds, and your robot counterparts have also been outfitted with the power as well. 

Gustav: [Microphone] And there's nothing you fools can do about it! HA-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaaa! 

Eggman: [Microphone] Soon you'll be out of my hair for good! 

Hootie: What hair? Your head is as bald as an egg, Egg-head! 

Sonic: [Snickers at Hootie's smart remark.] 

Eggman: Eggman! You know my name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik Eggman! You guys do that on purpose!

Drooper: Do what, Egg-head? 

Gustav comes from the shadows and tells the robots to attack the two teams. All of the heroes were fighting against Eggman's robot army and the dopplegangers with determination and purity. 

Fleegle: Man. Don't you ever give up, Robot me? You're just a copy of me. I know everything you're going to do before you do it because you're me and I know myself. 

Robot Fleegle: The show must go on! 

Yuko: A villain's intent is vigorous and aggressive. And it stops like a wall of stone and breaks like a piece of dry clay. 

Then after some conflict and engaging in the fight, the Banana Splits and Team Sonic both beat their enemies but then Robot Fleegle grabs Fleegle by the neck and ears and dragging to a Chemical Plant Zone vat of purple acid. 

Fleegle: [Strains while trying to breath.] Let.... me..... go..... you..... crazy...... doppelganger! Heh. 

Robot Fleegle: It's time to fly! 

Robot Fleegle nearly drops Fleegle in but Sonic spin dashes him in the back, breaking Robot Fleegle's endoskeleton and grabs Fleegle's hand before he fell and pulls him up. 

Sonic: Fleegle, are you ok dude?

Fleegle: Yeah. Thank you, Sonic. I thought I was a goner. What about Metal Sonic? 

Sonic: Good as broken. Like all of Eggman's toys. 

Bon Bon: Guys! We found the Yellow Emerald! We just got to grab it, and bring it back!

Hootie: We found the Cyan Emerald too!

They both grabs the Emeralds and run back to the exact same spot they start the search and revealed the gems in the hands. 

Bingo: Guys! I missed you so much!

Fleegle: It's only been 30 minutes.

Amy: That made us miss you more. 

Tails: We got the Emeralds. 

Knuckles: The question is... what do we do with them now? Even if we found two Emeralds, Eggman and Gustav still have the other 6. 

Harmony: Well look on the bright side. We got the last two gems before they did any real damage.

Drooper: All's well that ends well.

Floyd: Yeah! Well for us!

In a quick flash, Floyd snatches the Emerald out of Knuckles' and Amy's hands like a snake in the grass. 

Floyd: [Taunt laughing]

Fleegle: Give those back, you dirty thief!

Floyd: No. 

Hootie: Well that worked. 

Gustav: And now with all the Emeralds at our possession, we will take our both Toontown and Green Hills once for all! And our ultimate weapon will finally be complete! 

[Both laugh at the teams' failures at beating them and they both get away with the Emeralds.] 

Tails: Oh no. Now that they have all the Emeralds, doom will spill on our homes!

Amy: What can we do?

Knuckles: We got think of a plan. 

Fleegle: I'll tell you what we're going to do. We're going to find those Emeralds, get them back and make those who are responsible pay for their crimes!

The screen closes on Fleegle's determined face as the screen goes black. 

Heroic and inspiring music plays as the credits start rolling in. 

Eggman: I shall rule this world, conquer Green Hills and then finally that meddling blue pest once and for all! HA-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa!

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