All Hail the Queen Bee

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BIngo and Fleegle are searching for the best treat that they've ever tasted which is honey. 

Bingo: I could really go for some pizza right now, eh Fleegle?

Fleegle: Yeah. Let's go to the pizza parlor and then....(sniffs). What is that smell?

Bingo: The thin crispy and delectable saucy taste of the sweetest of cheeses and tenderizing of meats being placed a pan then served on a platter with parmesan cheese? Then yes, I do smell it.

Fleegle: No, you hairy helmethead! It smells like if heaven and sunshine was a food. It smells luscious and tasty!

Bingo: Whoa, whoa,whoa! You're gonna have to Take Me Out for dinner first!

The dog runs after the smell to find out where it's coming from.

Bingo: Fleegle! Come back here! Wait for me at least. 

The ape and the dog run into the forest to find that the smell was coming from a giant beehive.

Bingo: That is a big beehive. How many pounds of honey do you think is in that thing?

Fleegle: I don't know there were about to find out once we eat. (Giggles)

The duo go inside the main entrance of the honey pile and they see plenty of worker bees organizing honey piles. And then their friend Hootie came with them.

Hootie: Hi guys. What's up?

Fleegle: It's nothing much. we're just in here looking for honey.

Bingo: yeah and we're gonna make sandwiches with honey.

Hootie: You can't do that because if the bees sting you ,then they die.

Fleegle: Well it's a good thing that I bought these suits to avoid us three being stung.

The trio put on their bee suits and take as much honey as they can.

Fleegle: Let me just grab this last piece of honey and then we'll be on our way.

Figure: Halt! Who goes there?

Bingo: Nobody. Doing nothing and we have nothing. 

Soldier: Silence! You have stolen our sacred honey and invaded our majestic Kingdom! And for that you will be..... executed!

All: Oh no!

The guards bring the trio to their queen and their name is Queen.

Soldier: My queen. May I present you the intruders disturbed our sacred ground.

Queen Bee: You three have a lot of explaining to do. 

Fleegle: We're sorry, your majesty. We didn't know this honey belongs to you.

Bingo: Yeah and we were just making food with the honey so that we can have a nice lunch.

Queen Bee: Although I understand your hunger, you still need to pay for your crime. Guards, throw them in the dungeon!

Hootie: You can't just lock us up just because we want some honey!

Bingo: Yeah! You think you're above the law?

Queen: If I'm queen then I am the law!

The guards take the trio into the dungeon and locking them up in a cell.

Fleegle: This sucks! I can't believe we're in here because of a little honeycomb. 

Hootie: Wait! If this whole place is made of honey then.... (Gasps)

Hootie bites down on the bars on their cell and chews off the handles with her beak.

BIngo: We're free now! Now let's get out of here quickly!

Fleegle, Bingo and Hootie leave the dungeon and walk to the main room but Queen the bee was waiting for them.

Queen:  Well, well, well. Looks who finally came.

Fleegle: I'd hate to say it, but get out of our way before I make you.  

Queen: But I'm afraid that won't happen. My guards won't allow it. Seize them!

The guards come charging at the trio with spears in their hands swinging at Fleegle, Hootie and Bingo.

Bingo: Come get some!

Bingo picks up one of the guards and throws him at the others across the room.

Hootie flies up and grabs a guard with her feet and carries her towards the throne in which the guard crashes.

Fleegle bites on the guard's leg and growls at them.

Queen: Guards! Unleash the Mecha- Bee Drone!

Queen goes inside the suit of robotic armor and deploys the weapons. 

Hootie: Bingo, hold me. I'm scared!

Fleegle:(Barks at the Queen).

Queen: You fools have nowhere else to go.

Fleegle looks at the trap aside him and comes up with a great plan.

Fleegle: Hey Queen. Look at me. I'm about to eat this honeycomb. 

Queen: Don't you dare!

Fleegle: Awwwww.....(Chomps).

Queen: Noooo! Get your paws off my honey!

Hootie: What's the matter if you can't share a little honey?

Queen: You guys wouldn't get it. Every time when my hive makes honey, everyone suddenly wants some and then we lose more of our home. So that's why as the queen of this hive, I must insure that nobody haves no honey forever.

Bingo: look I understand that you're trying to protect something sacred to you that you know in your whole life for but if you keep holding onto it then bad things will happen. And sometimes you just gotta accept the fact that some things won't last forever.

Fleegle: And we can help you with that problem if you let us have a little honey. Please?

Fleegle makes his signature move, the puppy eyes on the Queen. And Hootie along with Bingo did the eyes too and Queen couldn't stay mad at those faces.

Queen: alright I'll let you have honey. Guards, release them.

Fleegle: And I would like to present you with something.

The Queen Bee, Fleegle, Bingo and Hootie go back to their clubhouse with buckets full of honey.

Queen Bee walks up to Fleegle with a helmet in his hands.

Fleegle: What's your name?

Queen: Queen the Bee.

Fleegle: Aw I get it. Duhh. Queen the bee, because of your honesty of sharing in politeness of others, I present you with the official Banana Splits helmet.

Fleegle puts the helmet on Queen's head and they honor her with Bingo's new dish: Honeycomb Jam and Marmalade Sandwiches and they were delicious.

Hootie: These are so delicious!

Fleegle: Yeah! You've really outdid yourself this time Bingo.

 Bingo: That's right because I'm awesome like that.

Credits roll in.

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