Bon Bon's Dino Dilemma

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This episodes takes where a meteorite crashes  down to Earth and Bon Bon turns into a giant dinosaur that kind of resemblances herself in the face and hair, but the rest of her body looks like more of a dinosaur's body. 

But it all started when a meteorite falls down to Earth's atmosphere, containing a weird substance. And the news channel turns on in the living room.

Newman: This just in: A giant meteor is orbiting the Earth's atmosphere and is racing at high speeds of elevation. This unknown piece of rock might affect the planet in strange ways. 

Bingo instantly turns off the TV and the team are scared and a little worried about this unfortunate event. 

Fleegle: How unexpected.

Harmony: Yes. We need to make sure that this thing doesn't hurt any citizens. 

Drooper: We'll do a sweep search around town. Anyone who sees the meteor radio calls the rest. 

Bon Bon: I'm on the job, Droopy!

Amy: Let's just make sure that thing don't cause any damages. 

They get outside and start the search for the careening piece of space. Drooper was looking in the city through groups of stampeding people, Bingo is looking in the plains, looking through very tall grass, Amy was looking in the nearby lakes, swamps and rivers but found nothing, Hootie was flying in the sky, looking for the asteroid and if it comes yet, Harmony looks at in the junkyard, going through pieces of metal, Bon Bon is looking in the old country house and Fleegle was looking in the cul de sac then Snorky was at the sewers looking for it as well. 

Bon Bon is getting bored of looking around for the meteorite. 

Bon Bon: [Sighs in boredom and sits on a rock] That asteroid is not coming. This is why I hate watching the news. 

Then a small thing comes down in a flaming ball of fury.

Bon Bon: Is that.... Oh no!

The meteorite comes crashing down onto the ground, trapping Bon Bon under it. And she's fading fast, going to a coma.

Bon Bon: [Radio comms] Guys, help..... 

Drooper: Bon Bon! Don't worry, we're coming now!

She passes out on the ground and a liquid from the meteor pours on her body but the only sounds she could hear was the crying and panic that her friends were shouting.

Bon Bon then wakes up in her bed with bandages on her head, arms and legs. She had a concussion and she needs to recover. 

Fleegle: Bon? Are you ok?

Bingo: You took a nasty hit to the head.

Hootie: Looks like you were lucky to be alive right now.

Bon Bon: [Groans] What happened?

Drooper: You got hit by that meteor. But that's weird.

Snorky: [Hugs Bon Bon with his arms and honks worriedly]

Bon Bon: Thank you, Snorky. I'm ok.

Harmony: We'll give some space for you to rest.

They leave Bon Bon in her room so she can get some rest but something unexpected happens. As the hours passed by, her body starts changing from having fur to having scales and her tail turns more reptilian and she also grow claws on her paws. And her skin turns green. 

Then next morning, BIngo goes up to Bon's room to bring her breakfast.

BIngo: Bon Bon! Who wants mango juice and scrambled eggs for breakfast?

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