Well, That Stings!

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This episode features Queen the bee trying to get a hornet's nest away the local playground. But a hornet with a Russian accent named Buzz who threatens to sting the kids. 

Queen was just making honey for her to eat and humming a song.

Queen: [Humming a song to herself.] This is great! Just me, my honey and the nice warm sun over my wings.

Then she hears more buzzing but it wasn't her making the sound. She checks the playground but she sees a hornet nest on top of the slide.

Queen: What the.... Is someone in there?

A male hornet with a black street jacket comes out of the nest. 

 Buzz: Oi! Who poke stick?! You like poke? Vee poke okay?! I STING YOUR FACE!!

Queen: Wait, is this a hornet's nest?

Buzz: Hey, look who vin Prize! You know vhat's ze prize? I STING YOUR FACE!!

Queen: Whoa, whoa. Easy, stingtail. I don't want any trouble. I'm just questioning your choice of nest location.

Buzz: Oh, and I have question for you! Knock Knock!

Queen: Who's there? 

Buzz: I sting your face!

Buzz tries to sting Queen with his own stinger but Queen dodges it and tries to fight back. 

Queen: I don't think you understand. This is a playground. For little children!

Buzz:  Iz okay! I sting de children enough, they don't come back!

Buzz: Whoa sting-tail, nobody threatens the kiddies in my park! Consider your pointy kester out of here!

Buzz then calls his friends to come help fend off Queen.

Queen: With all the other pointy keisters....

Buzz: Less talk, more sting!

The hornets chase after Queen of which she flies away with her wings.

Queen: Man, hornets have anger issues. Hey, guys. I may have some anger issues myself, but I don't deal with them like this. 

Buzz: You run and I STING YOUR FACE!

Buzz chases Queen out of the park and she flies home.

Buzz: GO ahead, run away! You come back again, I sting your face!

She flies all the way home with her wings.

Queen: Hoo. Flying with your wings sure takes it out of you. I need to figure out a plan to get rid of ol' stingtail and his cronies. 

Queen goes to Barney and Lauren for help against the hornets.

Queen: Hey, Barney, Lauren. 

Lauren: What's up, Queen? 

Barney: Hi, Queenie. What'ca doing?

Queen: Nothing. Just asking you for a favor.

Lauren: What's wrong? 

Queen: I run into these hornets who put their nest in the local park and now they won't leave. And if kids come to play, they'll get stung!

Barney: Who do those buzz brains think they are? I'll give them a piece of my mind! And by mind, I mean my claws! 

Lauren: Nobody, and I say nobody threatens my friends in such a way. 

Queen: Trust me. You don't want to mess with this guys.  Their stings are sharper than knives and their temper is hotter than hot water.

Barney: We don't how tough these guys are.

Lauren: Yeah. We'll sort them out one by one.

Queen: All right, guys. Com with me to the park. Oy..

Lauren and Queen fly to the park while Barney is running away on his paws.

Lauren: So who was the one threatened to sting you?

Queen: This hornet named Buzz. He has a Russian accent and is a little hot-headed.

Lauren: Boy, then he must be a real pleasure to have in class.

Barney: So what are going to do?

Queen: First, we try to have a pleasant conversation with Buzz about his nest location. But if he refuses to cooperate, HE WILL FEEL PAIN!

Barney: Ok.

They finally make it to the park to confront Buzz and his friends.

Queen: Come out, Buzz. I know you're in there.

Buzz: Well, well, well. You vant more sting?!? She wants de sting! I sting you so hard, your great grandchildren say OUCH!

Barney: Oh yeah? I'm going to kick your sorry, sharp, striped butt for treating my friend so awfully!

Buzz: Vhy you come back now for?!? Ey! Maybe dey like de sting! Den we give de sting! VE STING YOUR FACES!!

They try to sting the three animals but they fight back the hornets in order to force them out of the local park. Lauren was using her wings to help block the stingers from her head, Barney was using his claws to swipe away the evil interlopers and Queen was facing off with Buzz herself. 

Buzz: You're no match for a whole army of us, little bee! I will decimate you into foie gras!

Queen: You might be tougher, more organized and even ruthless, but there is one thing I have that you don't. 

Buzz: And vhat's that?

Queen: Great friends that are willing to help you whenever you need them. 

By the time Buzz realized that he had lost, Lauren and Barney had already beaten his allies. So in defeat, Buzz flew away never to say a word.

Queen: And that's the end of that.

Barney: And the park is restored to its glory. 

Lauren: We did it! We're awesome! High wing or paw!

The three animals high five each other while the screen zooms in.

Cool music plays and credits start to roll in. 

Lauren: How does a bat say hi to her mum? With a sound wave. HAHAHAHA!

Barney: Good one! Why did the bear dissolve in water? Because it was polar.

Queen: Last joke. HAHAHAHA! What does a bee use to style her hair? Her honey comb, of course.

[All laugh as the episode ends.] 

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