This episode features Floyd the fox and he has a lucky streak the entire day. But then he takes it too far as he picks on both the Banana Splits team and other villains he knows. Will this fox's luck last for long? And will he finally get the wealth and charm he oh so wanted all along?
This episode starts when Lauren the bat, Bandit the raccoon and Alex the grey rabbit go in the store to get groceries.
Alex: I wonder if I could just get a massage chair.
Bandit: Tough life.
Alex: What are you wearing?
Bandit: Mall pants.
Lauren: What kind of pants, now?
Bandit: Mall pants. Pants you wear at the mall. It's a sign of respect.
Alex: So why aren't you wearing a shirt?
Bandit: Too much respect. This is mall, not church.
Floyd then rushes past them and knocks them to the ground.
Alex: Hey! Watch it, bub! That's a great way to kill someone!
Floyd: Oh save your breath, Carrots! I need to hurry to the lotto to see who won the winning lottery numbers!
Floyd then goes in the section, grabs a ticket and waits for the numbers.
TV Host: Good Morning, everyone! As you know, whoever get the winning numbers on their ticket get the prize of 15,000,000 dollars! Now, the winning numbers are 15.....
Floyd: Yeah...
TV Host: 32....
Floyd: Ok....
TV Host: 36....
Floyd: Yes....?
TV Host: 48 64 and 19.
Floyd checks all the numbers and to his utmost shock, he had all the numbers on his lottery ticket.
Floyd: I got all the numbers! I WON! I WON! Kiss my rich tail, losers! WHOOOO-hooooo! WHOOOO! [Laughs hysterically with joy.]
Then he runs back outside and dances with Alex, Lauren and Bandit looking surprised and confused because they didn't know.
Bandit: What do you think he's going to do?
Alex: Something crazy, reckless and insane, I bet. But from someone like Floyd, what else do you expect?
Lauren: Well guess things are about to get batty.
[Both turn to Lauren because she accidentally made a pun.]
Lauren: [Clears throat] Sorry.
Floyd then runs to the Banana Splits' clubhouse to tease and taunt them about how rich he was now.
Floyd: Sup, losers. How's it going in Nobody Cares About Me clubhouse?
Drooper: Actually, I haven't worked there in a few years but..... Oh shut up, fox!
Hootie: What do you want?
Fleegle: Yes.
Floyd: Just wanted to tell you saps that you're looking at the new richest person in all of Toontown! Me.
Amy: Please. Only thing you've ever won is your mom's love, and you didn't make first place!
[All laugh at Amy's comeback.]
Floyd: [Laughs dryly] Funny. I forgot how to laugh. Anyway, while you dorks work your sorry tails off, I'll be living like a king!
The Floyd grabs two garbage bags full of trash and threw them on the Splits and they were stunned and shocked.
Bingo: Well.... that was trashy.
Bon Bon: Do... not..... say..... another... word.
Snorky: [Honks defeated]
Harmony: Don't worry, guys. I'm sure Floyd will be more careful with his money.
Floyd then into the city to gloat even more about his riches and money. He sees the Sour Grapes Bunch along with Gustav, Tyrone the tiger, Xavier the black anthropomorphic cat, Leroy Buzzard and Alf the alligator whose Gustav's clumsy nephew.
Floyd: Sup, jerks.
Gustav: What do you want, fox? Can't you see we're in the middle of stealing priceless items?
Leroy: Oh pipe down, jabber-jaws!
Charley: Anyway, you look as stupid and desperate as usual, Floyd.
Floyd: Not anymore. Cause yours truly has won the lottery today just now!
All Villains: WHAAATTTTT!?!?!?!
Alf: Well congratulations, buddy.
Gustav: Don't compliment him, you fool!
Charley: There's no way you could win something. Not in your life.
Emily: Yeah, boy! Never in a million years could a low-down thief like you be able to win something!
Xavier: Kid, you got the wrong cat. I believe this, bud. You're one lucky sucker, I'll give you that.
Floyd: Well thank you. NOT! I'ma be living like a king for the rest of my days! Later, Sour Grapes Bozos!
He leaves the villains in mud and trash just like he did to the Banana Splits.
Charley: NOOOO! My designer boots! These are worth more than my own dresses! [Sobs]
Xavier: Quit you blubbering, little girl! You're not the one with a rotten banana peel in his mouth.
Then Floyd goes to his home and celebrates his victory of winning for once.
Floyd: Well this is the life of a fox. Wait. What's this date? 1968?!?!? This was due over 54 years ago! Which also means.... Oh no.
Then all the Banana Splits and the villains were at the entrance of Floyd's cave looking really mad and ready to fight.
Drooper: You no-good bushy-tailed varmint!
Gustav: I will my your pain swift, you little fool!
Charley: I'll rip every piece of fur off of your back!
Fleegle: GET HIM!
Floyd: Oh bo-
They all jump on Floyd's body and begin to hit, punch, kick and beat up Floyd for what he had done to them before.
The screen closes with whimsical music and the credits begin to roll in.
Joey: Knock knock.
Fleegle: Who's there?
Joey: Kanga.
Fleegle: Kanga who?
Joey: Actually it's kangaroo, mate.

Banana Splits and Friends
AdventureFleegle the beagle brings his friends on the craziest and most insane adventures ever in their whole lives. Even though they're working on something important or just goofing off with one another, they still manage to make the most of it! And they m...