Band Of Misfits: Part 2

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This episode features the Banana Splits on their first operation to get the Thunder parts. But they'll have to face the first member of the Klaww Gang: Dimitri Lousteau. 

Hootie: [Narrating] We had to call in a few favors to get the goods on the Klaww Gang's local operator: Dimitri, a sort of underworld celebrity, equally at home in high-class art circles and shady back-alley crimes. He was once a passionate young art student who worked hard to develop his own visionary style. 

Unfortunately, the art world wasn't quite ready for his "kinetic aesthetic." So he gave them what they wanted and started forging old masterpieces, his way of punishing those with bad taste. Dimitri now runs a nightclub on the westside. The thumping music, colorful light shows, and a hint of danger lure in chic young patrons from far and wide, and it's here, hidden somewhere, where we'll find the Thunder tail fins. What Dimitri plans to do with the Thunder part is beyond us, but those plans end tonight.

The Banana Splits are being held up in their own private safehouse at Paris and starting the operation at ease. Fleegle thens jumps on the rooftop and scans the area for any opportunities.

Fleegle: [Comms] All right, everyone. Commence operation: The Black Chateau! And it' going to be great robbing this nightclub.

Harmony: [Comms] While I share in your enthusiasm, we'll need to do a little reconnaissance work.

Bingo: [Comms] What do you have in mind?

Harmony: Well Bingo, you can disarm the security systems and block the water pump so they'll be forced to get water from the river, Drooper and Amy can snatch the codes from Dimitri's office and destroy the support in the nightclub so that the peacock sign outside will loosen, Hootie, Snorky and Bon Bon can take pictures of the factory inside so we know what we're dealing with and I will reroute the pipe system in the tower so the water will be shut down. 

Fleegle: All right, everyone. You heard Harmony. Deploy! 

Bingo goes to the boxes and breaks them all by throwing objects at them and blocks the pump with the rat guards. 

Then Drooper quietly drops Amy down with a rope to snatch the codes then make their way to the support beams.

Drooper: All right, Amy. Do you think bite 'em?

Amy: You kidding? With these teeth, I'm invincible! 

She proceeds to bite them with her teeth and they all break under pressure of her strong bites. 

Then we cut to Hootie, Bon Bon and Snorky secretly sneak inside the vents to take pictures of Dimitri's money printing facility.

Hootie: All right, Bon Bon. Do your stuff. 

Bon Bon: I'm on it. [Takes pictures of the whole facility.] I did it! 

Snorky: [Honks proudly of his hard work.] 

Hootie: And we got the pictures. [Comms] We got the pictures, but what he's doing is crazy. He's using Thunder's tail fins as printing plates to copy marked bills! 

Fleegle: [Comms] This is crazy. We got to look into this and see where it's going. And on my end, Dimitri is sending out spice sales to local citizens. 

Snorky: [Honks confusingly] 

Bon Bon: Copying money AND sending out spices? This is one crazy operation.

Harmony climbed up on the tower and went inside the main water room.

Harmony: Ok now. I need to focus. Which valves do I turn to divert water pressure from the plaza?

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