Truth or Dare

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Bingo and Hootie as adults were having a race across the forest.

Hootie: Come on, you slowpoke! You call this a race?

Bingo spell behind as the bird flew faster, leaving him in the dust.

What the orange ape did was swing from the trees.

Bingo: It's not over yet birdbrain!

And with enough swinging determination Bingo made it to the finish line.

Bon Bon: Bingo wins by a leg!

Hootie: No he cheated. I demand another race.

Drooper: No let's play another game. How about truth or dare?

Hootie: Okay Drooper. I dare you to....
I dare you to......

Out of nowhere the hyena duo was hiding behind the trees.

Spot: ( high-pitched voice) pluck a whisker from Tyrone the Tigers chin.

Hootie: I didn't say that.

Bon Bon: But we just heard you.

Hootie: I really didn't. I mean come on. There's no way Drooper would have the courage to go and do something like that.

Drooper: Yes I would.

Hootie: You wouldn't dare.

Drooper: I would.

Hootie: No you wouldn't.

Drooper: I will!

The brave adult lion runs off to do the Dare.

Hootie: Stop!

Bingo: Drooper, don't!

The hyenas run back to Tyrone's lair to tell him the news.

Tyrone: Pluck a whisker from my chin? Has the lion gone insane?

Dot: Clearly. And he's coming.

Spot: For us planting the idea in the first place.

The hyenas look at the meat and slobbering.

Tyrone: Paws off, scavengers! You get this meat if I get the lion.

Meanwhile Harmony is sleeping while Drooper was practicing to pluck whiskers.

Harmony: (Screeches) Drooper, what are you doing?

Drooper: Sorry, Harmony. I didn't think it would have hurt you. I was just practicing.

Harmony: Are you kidding? It seems to me like you didn't think at all. Wait, practicing for what?

Then the screens cuts to Bingo, Bon Bon and Hootie tell Fleegle what happened.

Fleegle: And you just let him go?

Bon Bon: We tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen.

Hootie: It's my fault. I told him he couldn't do it. I shouldn't have goaded him like that.

Bingo: It's ok Hootie. Everyone makes mistakes.

Fleegle: Yes but we have to remedy this one before it's too late.

Back to Harmony and Drooper.

Harmony: You can't do this! It's insanity! I-I won't let you!

Drooper: A dare's a dare, Harmony! Hootie said I didn't have the courage but I do and I'm going to get that whisker!

Drooper runs off on all four legs but Harmony goes with him.

Harmony: Of all the crazy ideas.... All right, but you'll need my help!

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