Band of Misfits: Part 8

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Now this episode features the Splits once more in Canada on the hunt for Jean Bison after the whole spice transportation fiasco and they had ran away with both the Black Thunder lungs and stomach. But now, Jean Bison was in possession of Black Thunder's razor-sharp claws to use them as prizes for the annual "Lumberjack Games", but for the plan to work, the Banana Splits will have to do something they've never did before: cheat. But it's a good reason. 

Bon Bon: Things just weren't right up in Canada. Random acts of violence were popping up like weeds and the northern lights, well, they just weren't right. One night, they'd be brighter than ever and the next, gone. In Nunavut Bay, Amy and I overheard talk between Jean Bison and his mysterious partner Arpeggio. Somehow, those two are behind it all. Tracking the source of the disturbance was easy. 

Amy: [Narrating] And by simply following the lights we were lead north to an immense lumber camp. The sheer number of fallen trees advertise Jean Bison's presence and that he was in possession of the Thunder claws. The Bananasis makes numerous references to the claws slicing through plates of steel. A skilled lumberjack like Bison can clear a forest in hours while wielding the artifacts. Those claws have got to go, both to finally do away with Black Thunder and to save the environment from his twisted sense of progress. The world just doesn't need to make space for another strip mall. 

Once more, the fabled team of heroes comfort themselves in the safety of their own fortified cabin with the fire cracking and the wind blowing softly. 

Bingo: Sooooo.... What's the plan now?

Amy: First, we'll need to be precise, stealthy and secret. So commence operation Menace in the North, eh? 

Fleegle: Weird title sure, but this is one step closer to stop Arpeggio from rebuilding Black Thunder and preventing his evil misdeeds. So I heard that Mr. Bison is throwing the Lumberjacks Games and he's putting the Thunder Claws as the ultimate prize of all. So we only have to do a little recon and analyze the events that we'll have to participate in. 

Hootie: So what's the problem? 

Drooper: Shouldn't be too hard, right?  

Amy: Yes, but seeing how Jean Bison is the one who owns the competition, we know it'll be rigged in a way. So it pains me to say it, but.... we'll have to cheat. 

[All gasped in surprise as to what Amy just said.] 

Harmony: CHEAT??!? We've never cheated at anything before! 

Bingo: How can we even pull it off? 

Bon Bon: We are heroes, and heroes never cheat!

Fleegle: We know. But it's for a good reason because we need to get those Claws and get rid of them! And I grabbed this eagle's egg for just this occasion. [Chuckles mischievously] He won't see it coming.

Amy: I love the way you think. 

The Banana Splits prepare themselves for the Lumberjack Games with all the determination and grit in their souls and bravery in the hearts in order to win the Black Thunder Claws and to end this evil reign of terror! And so the Splits go to Jean Bison for the entry prices. 

Harmony: Excuse me sir. We humble lumberjacks would like to participate in your Lumberjack Games.

Jean Bison: Think you got what it takes to win the Thunder Claws, eh? Well I'm sure enough gonna let you long as you pay the entry fee.

Drooper: Much obliged partner. We'll just take our positions for the competition.

Jean Bison: Enjoy the moment while yah think you've still got a chance... it's as close to winning as you'll ever get! This year's first event will be a power chopping contest. Not like anyone's ever going to beat my record, but let 'em try!

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