Band of Misfits: Part 9

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Finally the moment of truth is here at long last. The Banana Splits have lost all the Thunder robot parts to Arpeggio and is rebuilding him as we speak. And now is the brink of Fleegle's greatest nightmare once again coming to life. And that also means that he could be in grave danger along with his friends if he doesn't beat this evil. 

Fleegle: [Narrating]  There we were, heading east across the Atlantic Ocean. Stowaways on a giant airborne fortress. Though time was short we made sure to study up on our unknowing host, Arpeggio. While attending a prestigious boarding school, the young Arpeggio excelled at all subjects, but he never managed to keep up with the other boys physically. Sadly, his wings due to their small size, were useless for flight. 

Furious at his feeble body, he focused his powerful mind to search for a cure in the works of the Italian Renaissance masters. Their notebooks provided the springboard for this sinister young genius, and it wasn't long before the Klaww Gang took him on as chief inventor. His talents must have been at work repurposing all the Thunder parts for their criminal schemes, and now this mastermind is in possession of all the parts. It's only a matter of time before he puts them back together, and when that happens... well, I'm not going to let that happen.

The Banana Splits get out of the Northern Battery and go finally end this madness and go home.

Fleegle: All right, team. This is it. The belly of the beast. The den of evil. The undenying abyss of terror and mayhem. We've been preparing for this day our entire lives. We're going to stop Arpeggio and Black Thunder from coming back to life, or die trying. 

Drooper: On it! 

Hootie: Yes! 

Amy: Let's just end this once and for all! 

Bingo: I'm with you, sister! 

Snorky: [Honks seriously, ready for action.] 

Fleegle: I appreciate the moxie, soldiers! But me and Amy are going to go inside the blimp and all of you keep the guards away for us.

Bon Bon: Them? Stop us? Bring 'em on! 

Hootie: No stinking little parrot wearing a monocle is going to stop us! 

Fleegle and Amy go to the main blimp and climb on it in order to find Arpeggio and Black Thunder's robotic frame. Then they go in the main room to see a fully repaired Black Thunder frame being hung by ropes.

Harmony: [Comms] I had no idea that they could rebuild Thunder that fast.

Bingo: Calm down, Harmony. Maybe you guys can see what Arpeggio is doing at the front of the room. See?

They both climb down to actually see Neyla with Arpeggio and talking with him. 

Amy: I can't even believe this all! She must've been working with him this whole time!

Fleegle: This goes against everything the Banana Splits stands for! [Comms] Guys, think of a way, any way to stop Thunder from coming to life. 

Hootie: [Comms] Well... there is one way. Those magnetic inducers seem to be holding the parts together. Plus there are four in the room on both sides. Reverse the inducers and the parts might just get pulled apart. 

Fleegle: We got it, Hootie. Amy, you take the right side while I take the left. 

Amy: Affirmative.

Amy went on the right side of the inducers to shut them off while Fleegle was on the left. One by one, they had shut down all the inducers and reversing the parts made the whole robot frame fall on the floor unscathed and still put together.

Arpeggio and Neyla came outside to witness what had happened.

Arpeggio: What's all this then? The magnets have been reversed! But.... By Jove! It seemed to have locked all the Black Thunder parts into place. Excellent!

As soon the two villains walk down to the lower floor, Fleegle and Amy came out of the shadows to confront them.

Neyla: Fleegle Beagle? Of course this'd be your doing.

Arpeggio: Ahhh, Mr Beagle and Ms Shark. No doubt you thought a reversal would pull the old fool apart, eh? Well it seems to have the opposite effect. I'm truly grateful. When fully powered up, I'll join myself into its circuits and be born anew!

Amy: All this because you can't fly. That's pathetic.

Arpeggio: Immortality. Immortality is what I seek. The other Klaww Gang members were much too short-sighted using the Black Thunder parts to drive their various trivial schemes. But not me. No. I saw them for what they really were- the keys to life eternal!

Fleegle: So what? You had Neyla put me on the scent back in Cairo and then waited while I stole the parts from the other Klaww Gang members....all the while not arousing any suspicion that you were behind it all?

Neyla: You make it sound easy, Beagle. I had to carry your pathetic gang through that first set of heists. I was overjoyed when Arpeggio let me toss you in jail, I could finally go after the parts myself.

Arpeggio: Ah! But acquiring all the parts was only half the equation. Think Beagle... what kept Black Thunder alive for thousands of years?

Fleegle: He was fueled by his hatred for my family.

Arpeggio: Splendid, that's right! Hatred! Putting his gears and wires together was child's play compared with accumulating that much hatred.

Amy: You can't make people hate.

Aireggio: Oh my poor naive children... my meticulous mind has found a way. As your ape and mongoose friends will attest, spice consumption makes you both angry and susceptible to hypnosis. The Contessa, hypnotist extraordinaire, devised a way to command people through the use of flashing lights. I've created this blimp to be a massive transmitter of those precise light frequencies. The only problem I faced was finding a suitable source of light waves.

Amy: The Northern LIghts! You've been collecting Northern Light Energy so you could hypnotize everyone beneath the blimp! 

Arpeggio: Ahh, hypnotize those who'd eaten food covered in illegal spice. Thank goodness for Dimitri, through his nightclub he got the whole city to consume the spice.

Fleegle: You're going to Toontown to unleash a hypnotic light show of hate. That is despicable! 

Amy: And outlandishly cruel! 

Arpeggio: Cruel, perhaps, but necessary to give Black Thunder his spark of immortality! Ah... well, my new body awaits me. Be a dear, Neyla, and keep them covered. Ta-ta!

Before Arpeggio could get the Black Thunder frame, Neyla knocks him to the ground. 

Neyla: Stupid Arpeggio. I double-crossed the Banana Splits, Interpol and Sammy Fox. What made you think I wouldn't do the same to you? 

Neyla jumps in the mouth of Black Thunder's mouth and joins herself in the robot.

Arpeggio: This is preposterous. You're my protege, not the next candidate for my immortality. I demand you exit the Clockwerk frame or... or!

Neyla then destroys Arpeggio in one fell swoop and his monocle fell to Fleegle and Amy's feet.

Neyla: Behold! Thunder-la is born! 

Thunder-La then bursts through the window and flies out, leaving Fleegle and Amy. 

Amy: Well.... That was unexpected.

Fleegle looked upset and mad which causes him to twitch his eye and pull his ears in frustration. 

Fleegle: [Grunts then yells in frustration] 

Amy: Fleegle, calm down. We'll find Thunder-La and bring her to justice!

Dramatic music plays as the screen closes on the scene.

Credits start to roll in with Fleegle screaming and yelling in the background.

Fleegle: [Whimpers then looks at the fourth wall.] I can't.... believe this. I really can't. [Sighs] Just see the next episode and I'll be calmed down by then. 

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