Part 64

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Yoongi sat at the park on top of the bench and was eating a sandwich with a soda. Yoongi sat there slowly eating his sandwich watching as some people walked by on a walk wither with friends or their pets.

Yoongi finished his sandwich and soda a while later and made his way into a store to look around. The cashier said a quick greeting as Yoongi and other customers walked in. Yoongi grabbed a basket and walked into different aisles trying to distract himself from what happened earlier at school.

"What the hell was wrong with him! What did I even do to him, shit man"
Yoongi thought to himself as he walked down an aisle where they had all sorts of chips and snacks. Yoongi got a few chips and small snacks before going to the freezers where they had drinks, ice cream and alcohol (soju). After getting a few items Yoongi payed for them and sat outside at a table.

He set some of the snacks out on the table and open a bottle of soju. "Wasn't even my fault, I didn't do nothing" Yoongi mumbled to himself as he got his first drink from the soju bottle. He then open a bag of chips and began eating while taking a look at his surroundings every now and then. As Yoongi then took another look around he spots Hyun-wu across the street looking somewhat exhausted. Yoongi slowly turned around so his back would face where Hyun-wu was at so he wouldn't be seen. Yoongi then continued to eat his chips and felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Did you really think I wouldn't recognize your ass when I'm always behind you when we get into fights?" Hyun-wu said jokingly as he then sat down in front of Yoongi. Yoongi turned back to face Hyun-wu and at the chips he had in his hand.
"I would never be able to hide from you huh? "

"Nope, I'll find you sooner or later" P-wu laughed. Yoongi gave a lil laugh and continued to eat his chips.

"So... Want to talk about it? "

"I mean what is there to even talk about... "

"I don't know, maybe how your feeling right now? What you plan to do I guess"

"Honestly I'm angry, pissed off, but at the same time... I don't know"

"What do you mean?"

"I literally don't know, should I go ask him what I did wrong when he obviously got mad at me for no reason for literally communicating with another kid at our school, or should I play dumb the whole time and let him be in control"

"I honestly think you school tell him off or something, but don't say I said that cause honestly the worst thing someone can do is snitch on the snitcher who had good intentions"

"... Are you saying you have good intentions for me telling Taehyung off and that you don't want me to snitch on you"


"... "


"You want some chips I bought a lot?"

"Don't have to ask me twice" Hyun-wu spoke as he grabbed a bag on chips.

Later as Yoongi was walking home he began to lay out his plan on approaching taehyung about their fight and how they could fix it, if he was home that is. As Yoongi stood at the front door he waited a bit before turning the knob and it was locked. Yoongi sighed in relief as he took out his keys and unlocked the door. He took off his shoes and set his things down before sitting on the couch.

After a while Yoongi heard the door unlock and quickly got up from the couch ready to jump thinking it was an intruder, but it was just Taehyung standing at the door.


"Oh it's just you"

"I'm sorry it's just that, I don't know I been uneasy lately"

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