Part 21

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The next morning Taehyung woke up before Yoongi did he stared at Yoongi's sleeping face, taking in his looks but soon realized that Yoongi was staring right back at him.

"Dont stare" Yoongi said holding back his laughter seeing Taehyung's reaction to being caught.

"I-I wasn't-"

"Sure~" Yoongi said as he tried to sit up but was pulled back down by Taehyung.


"Let's stay like this for a while more"

"But aren't-"

"Please" Taehyung asked as he looked at Yoongi. Yoongi laid back down next to Taehyung.

"Okay then" Taehyung then hugged Yoongi once he laid back down.



"We are late"

"No, you are" Yoongi said as he laughed. After Taehyung and Yoongi got dress in the uniforms, Yoongi's looking messy. When they got to class the teacher was clearly upset but couldn't do anything.

"Just take a seat" The teacher replied as they went back to teaching the lesson. Yoongi sat down in his seat Taehyung next to him along with Hyun-wu. Yoongi was falling asleep until he felt something hit his head and when he opened his eyes he saw a crumbled up paper in front of him. Yoongi grabbed the piece of paper and unwrapped it to see a note or letter.

Hey meet me at the school gate at lunch
Come alone, dont bring anyone with you alright

Yoongi looked around the classroom to see who threw the paper when clearly he was going to sleep. But no one seem like they did it since they were clearly getting tired of the teacher. Yoongi glanced at everyone in the class but left it alone as he fell asleep. Yoongi was then woken up by the bell and left with his bag going to the school gate leaving Taehyung and Hyun-wu behind. When Yoongi got to the school gate he didn't see anyone so he went on his phone until someone came up to him but that didn't happen. Instead someone pushed Yoongi to the ground without warning, Yoongi quickly got up forgetting about his phone anger instantly kicking in. Yoongi turned around to see a group of students he didn't recognize.

"And who the fuck are you?" Yoongi asked as he stared the kids down.

"We are new here and we are unstoppable so respect us bitch" One of the kids replied.

"Heh, dont. make. me .laugh your nothing compared to me and my friend and its just the two of us" Yoongi said as Hyun-wu came from around the corner calmly walking in a smirk on Yoongi and Hyun-wu.

"Two against a whole group you'll lose" The kids said sarcastically as a group of other students came to see what's going on. The kids started to throw punches as the assumed leader of the group stayed back. Yoongi took on half the group and Hyun-wu took on the other half as the leader watched. Hyun-wu and Yoongi fist bumped but were sneak attacked Yoongi and Hyun-wu threw punches and kicked the other kids throwing them around in the process, getting beat up, bruised up, and even some cuts but didn't care. After Yoongi and Hyun-wu were breathing heavily bad energy bouncing off them.

"Me and you one on one" The kid said looking straight at Yoongi. Yoongi extended his arm to Hyun-wu telling him' i got this just watch my back' Hyun-wu backed off, looking out for Yoongi.


Taehyung was with Jungkook and the others walking by a huge crowd of students.

"Hey lets go see whats going on" Jungkook said as he dragged the others towards the crowd. When they got there, Taehyung saw Yoongi and Hyun-wu breathing heavily, he then saw Yoongi extending his arm out and Hyun-wu backing off. Taehyung then saw Yoongi and a kid he never saw before run towards each other throwing punches to each other's face, stomach. Taehyung was observing their movements, especially Yoongi until he noticed something that the kid had and his eyes widened.

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