Part 15

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-The Next Day- 

Yoongi woke in his bed and instantly remembered what Taehyung had asked him yesterday. Yoongi felt his cheeks burning.

"Why the fuck did I say yes?! Aren't I mad at him!" Yoongi yelled to him self as he yelled into a pillow. After screaming into the poor pillow Yoongi got dressed and went to Hyun-wu's room.

"Hey!" Yoongi yelled which startled the once sleeping Hyun-wu awake.

"What?! What happened?! Did something bad happen?!" Hyun-wu quickly said with his faces washed with fear and confusion. Hyun-wu then saw Yoongi standing at the door and calmed down.

"Why did you wake me up like that?!"

"Some thing awful happened"

"What?" Hyun-wu asked all his attention turning to Yoongi.

"I made a fucken huge mistake"

"Why what happened"

"Taehyung asked me to be his boyfriend"

"...Why are you telling me thi-"

"And i said yes" Yoongi said which stopped Hyun-wu from talking.


"I said yes to being Taehyung's boyfriend" Yoongi said as he sat down next to Hyun-wu.

"How is this ba-"

"Its bad"


"I dont know anything about romantic stuff and he's gonna be my first"

"I know hes gonna be your first kiss and the first you lose your first time wi-"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Your this stressed about it?"


"...Come one lets go out, you buddy is gonna teach you the basics" Hyun-wu said as he got off his bed and walked towards the closet to pick out some clothes. When they entered the café they sat down before ordering something to eat.

"Okay so you said yes to being with him"


"And you know nothing about romantic stuff right"


"Do you know at least something?"


"Like how two people make a demon child appear?"


"Did you not pay attention to sex ed?"


"...Okay basics to being a couple uh, one dont cheat on that person with some one else, uh two you belong to them so they'll do anything for you cause they love you, three be caring and give then attention, four...uh...hang around them a lot and give bad news face to face" Hyun-wu said in an unsure voice.

"Why do you sound unsure about what your telling me"

"Because your stupid and I'm trying to explain this without getting some weird looks from people around us" Hyun-wu answered as he was looking around for some staring people.

"Any questions?" Hyun-wu asked.

"How do you make a ki-"

"You'll learn that...some day"

"...Uhh what if you want to break up with them-"

" Depends there are lots of ways but you cant end it soon after you got together" Hyun-wu quickly answered knowing what Yoongi was going to try to do.

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