Part 57

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The next day Do-won hurried to school to pick a fight with Taehyung, and when he got to school he saw both Yoongi and Taehyung together. Do-won rushed over to Taehyung and turned him around by the shoulder and punched him.

"What the hell!?" Yoongi yelled as he helped Taehyung up.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Yoongi yelled as he walked up to Do-won. Taehyung looked up and saw Yoongi yelling at Do-won, who seems to enjoy it. Everyone who was watching  helped Taehyung, while others told Do-won to leave.

"Why aren't you answering me you bitch! Why did you hit him!?" 

"I didn't hit anyone, just a coward" Do-won replied which sent Yoongi off. Yoongi pushed do-won to the ground and began punching him.

"Why did you do it huh!?" Yoongi yelled but didn't a response. He got off Do-won and began walking around as he licked his lips, clearly angry and frustrated. Do-won stood up and ran to Yoongi, wrapping his arms around him. Yoongi pushed him off and kicked him from the side.

"Stop! You want to fucken- Augh!" Yoongi yelled as he began feeling him self going insane. Some students ran away, while others watched Taehyung, a few telling Do-won to run. Soon it became quiet and all you could hear was Yoongi's screams of insanity and Sofie's yelling.

"Do-won what did you do!" She yelled as some students tried to explain to her. Yoongi then threw him bag off him as he began searching for his knife. Hyun-wu then came running as he tackled Yoongi to the ground.

"Hey! Hey calm down it's me Hyun-wu! What happened buddy?" Hyun-wu asked as he hugged Yoongi trying to calm him down, knowing if he didn't then everyone in the school would be on the ground in their blood. Yoongi just kept screaming in agony, all his horrible memories coming back.

"Yoongi it's okay, I'm here, I'll protect you! Who did this to you, tell me it's okay" But no matter what Hyun-wu said Yoongi kept screaming.

"Go to the nurse and get something to put him to sleep! Hurry!" Hyun-wu yelled and Taehyung came to help Hyun-wu.

"Hold him down until the medicine comes"

"Alright" Taehyung replied.

"Yoongi, baby it's okay, calm down for me please" Taehyung whispered but it seemed like Yoongi was ignoring him, as he was caught up in his suffering. Soon a student came and gave Hyun-wu the medicine. Hyun-wu then turned Yoongi's hand, showing his wrists and injected him. Yoongi's agonizing screams slowly died down as he feel asleep.

"Take him home, for now we can't have him around anyone besides  me and you" Hyun-wu said as he held Yoongi in his arms and waited for Taehyung to stand up. When Taehyung stood up Hyun-wu handed Yoongi over and told him to take care of Yoongi. When they left Hyun-wu looked at do-won and punched him.

"If you liked him so much then you should know his fucken past! Why did you touch him! You brought him memories he tried to burry!"


"Awful things happened to him to make him who he is today! Stay away from him! right now because of you! He's fucked up in his head again1 And guess what!"


"When he wakes up" Hyun-wu began.

"He'll come to you and murder you" Hyun-wu finished.


"There's no escaping it! If you decide to leave on a plane, then your fate will be the same as the last person who pissed Yoongi off to this extent and tried to leave" 

Hyun-wu then left as he began picking up Yoongi's belongings and put them in his bag, when he was done he put Yoongi's bag over his shoulder and left school as well.

Sofie turned to her brother clearly disappointed in him.

"You, i'm going to tell father about what you did! Why were you even- ugh why are we even family if your selfish!" Sofie yelled as she also left the school. Do-won looked at everyone else who shook their heads and walked away, not wanting anything to do with him. Do-won decided to go home to see if his father could do anything to help him. But when he got home, Sofie was there first, his father's eyes quickly looking at him.

"I told you! You brought shame into our family name! Leave! You aren't allowed to come here! We don't want our fate to be the same as yours!" Do-won's father yelled as he threw his son out of his office. Do-won was at a lost, he didn't know what to do.

"I-I should run away, that's the best thing i can do" Do-won told himself as he began packing some of this things and took some money from his father.

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