Part 17 !warning!

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(Play the song starting now! U decide which one you want) 

When Yoongi, Hyun-wu and Taehyung went back to Yoongi's house they went straight to Yoongi's bedroom. Once Taehyung sat down Yoongi and Hyun-wu started explaining.

"Taehyung" Yoongi started getting Taehyung's attention.

"As you know me and Hyun-wu cause trouble, we made some very bad crimes such as murder and assassination. Most people who dont know us personally call us M.Y and L.H, those are our crime name. But kids at school call us Bad duo, M and L or Y and H. Sure we get in to serious trouble ourselves such as today attempt ransom, also trafficking, kidnap and more. Together we are unstoppable, we are completely different people when we are in trouble, but apart we try to keep a low profile, but since they recognized Hyun-wu, I guess they know our faces" Yoongi said.

"We should have gotten masks-"

"But this isn't some anime, its reality" Yoongi pointed out. Yoongi then looked at Taehyung, straight into his eyes, Taehyung did the same to Yoongi.

"Taehyung, if there is ever a situation where me or Hyun-wu get recognized and we are together you have to run, dont look back, and if the others are with us, run with them"


"Please, if you or the others stay or try to help, it'll put all of us in more danger, especially me and Hyun-wu since we're the main targets they want, a-and they won't hesitate to kill you guys if you get in the way" Yoongi cried as he held Taehyung's hand.

"But i dont want to leave you! I want you to be safe!" Taehyung cried. As this happened Hyun-wu tried to wipe away his endless river of tears.

"Taehyung you don't understand-" 

"I do! But I wont leave you if that ever happens!" Taehyung yelled.

"Please Tae, I dont want you to get hurt! If they catch us they'll end you guys first! They'll make us watch and god knows what else! I dont want to risk losing you!" Yoongi cried as he gripped Taehyung's hand. More tears fell from Taehyung's eyes  hoping that he'll never have to leave Yoongi's side.

"I-Is there more?" Taehyung asked.

"If, If they ever find out where I live-"


"If they ever find out! I want you to get my and Hyun-wu's mothers out of here, I want you to then take them over to Jin's and make sure that their safe, also make sure that everything is locked up and that you have a weapon in the house just incase they followed you"

"Yoongi please-"

"Tae, I know but if me and Hyun-wu make it out then  I'll meet you at Jin's alright?" Yoongi said but then noticed that Hyun-wu suddenly slowly walked towards the bedroom window.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked.

"Not sure" Hyun-wu replied as he peeked out from the blinks.

"By any chance, do you anybody who is going to come by today?" Hyun-wu asked cautiously asked.

"No one, why?" Yoongi said standing up.

"Know anyone who, owns a black van?" Hyun-wu asked taking a deep breathe.

"No" Yoongi answered letting go of Taehyung to look out the window. Yoongi saw a black van and saw the one of the beat up guys who was in the ally. Yoongi then saw a bald guy with gold chains around his neck, and was dressed up in a very fancy way. Yoongi then saw them take out duffle bags from the vehicles and when they opened it up.

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