part 65

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The next morning when Yoongi was getting ready to leave the elderly lady suggested Yoongi wait for his clothes to dry and to eat breakfast before leaving. Yoongi agreed to wait, grateful for the lady's kindness. The lady made some breakfast for herself and Yoongi and while the clothes washed. After a bit the lady got up to put the clothes to dry but Yoongi said that he'll do it since she's been so kind to him. The lady said no that he was a guest but Yoongi persisted.

Yoongi but his clothes to dry and talked with the lady for a while. Once his clothes were dried he changes in the elderly woman's bathroom (with her permission of course) and stepped out of the bathroom when he was done. "Thank you again for your help and for being so kind" Yoongi said with a small smile as he spoke to the elderly woman. "You're welcome dear, I enjoyed your company, come visit sometime?" The woman smiled, she walked Yoongi to the front door and said goodbye to him and wished him luck with his relationship situation.

After leaving the woman's house and walking around for a bit as he gathered his thoughts together, Yoongi was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a familiar voice.

"Yoongi! Where were you?! I was looking for you everywhere since yesterday afternoon. Are you alright? Where did you sleep? Did you eat?" Hyun-wu asked in a worried and concerned voice as he observed Yoongi's appearance to make sure he was okay and not hurt.

"I'm fine Hyun-wu, this sweet elderly lady helped me and let me stay at her home for the night" Yoongi replied, reassuring Hyun-wu that he was fine. "She gave me some advice and stuff" Yoongi continued as Hyun-wu listened to him speak.

"So then" Hyun-wu began, "what are you going to do after Taehyung slapped the shit out of you yesterday in the cafeteria?" Hyun-wu asked. "You left storming out of the cafeteria really upset, he realized he fucked up too after I yelled at him and he was crying out apologies to me" Hyun-wu said as he explained what happened after Yoongi had left. "Jin found out and even scolded him yesterday night and everyone came out to look for you"

"Well, I plan to hear him out" Yoongi said, answering Hyun-wu's question.

"I'm sorry, did I hear you right? I might have water in my ear from all the rain yesterday when searching for you"

"I plan on hearing taehyung's explanation as to why he acted the way he did"

"DUDE!  He hit you after a girl forced kissed you, he even later apologized as well and explained that she had a crush on you and that's why she did that, but that's besides the point! He hit you-"

"I can hit him back-"

"Seriously" Hyun-wu sighed "Shouldn't you guys like take a break from each other? You can't keep forgiving him every time he does this"

"You're a good friend you know that right?"

"Don't say that all of a sudden, you're gonna scare me seriously" Hyun-wu said and playfully hit Yoongi's arm which made Yoongi laugh.

"I'm just going to hear him out, and maybe a break would be good" Yoongi replied. "Alright let's hurry back to your house, your mom is worried"

"Alright, alright" Yoongi said with a small laugh.

Hello, A.shooky here, yall probably haven't heard from me since September 12, 2021, that's crazy I'm sorry for being gone so long, I was a junior at the time and got overwhelming caught up with school work then senior year came and thsn college applications and you can probably guess where i am now, if you seen my recent announcements. ANYWHO, winter break for me is somewhat near so, wtf a crunch ass spider came out from under my bed, I just got a cold chill after I squashed it with a shoe, OFF TOPIC anyways I'ma use the break to continue the story but I'ma make some changes, I plan to tone down on the craziness and inconsistencies so kinda think of this as a do-over but I'll try to keep some elements the same but it won't be perfect as I literally lost the notebook with all the planned chapters I had for all my stories.

Let me know what you think as it would help me give y'all an interesting story, I'll work on the next chapter while waiting for responses. I'm sorry for being, SUPER LATE with this chapter 😭. Forgive me I didn't mean to be gone for sooo long 🙏.


Ps. How y'all been? 🧍
Y'all been good? Hopefully? I bet y'all were doing fine yes? Lowkey it's not letting me publish so I'm just adding words to make random one sided conversation until it allows me to publish this very late chapter.

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