part 67

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Just as he planned, Yoongi was going to meet with Taehyung. So there he was, waiting as he sat on a bench in the park. Yoongi sighed as he waited, he was anticipating how Taehyung might react and deciding how he should respond if things didn't go well.

As if on cue Taehyung approached Yoongi looking like a mess, you could easily tell he felt bad about something based on his appearance and the expression on his face. But that all changed when he noticed Yoongi looking at him, his face changed to an expression that pretended that all was fine. Almost as if he was worried about nothing.

"Yoongi, I'm glad to see that you're okay, I was worried when you ran out of the cafeteria like that" Taehyung said, immediately wanting to get to the point. "Look I wanted to apologize for how I behaved in the cafeteria, and how I have behaved around you. wasn't right, I'm sorry" Taehyung said in a apologetic tone. "I really am sorry, I hope you can understand and I'll do better I swear."

Yoongi just stood there and listed as Taehyung spoke and said his apologies, waiting for him to finish talking. "I appreciate the apology" Yoongi said as he looked at Taehyung, and saw Taehyung look up at him with anticipation of what he might say next. "Yeah, I appreciate that you know that your behavior and actions towards me weren't good... That takes some serious courage" Yoongi continued in a tone that gave Taehyung relief that things might work out after this conversation. That things could go back to the way it was before, well similar to what they had before.

"But" Yoongi said keeping his eyes on Taehyung.

"I don't think it's right to forgive you and dismiss this as if it was nothing" Yoongi said and immediately noticed Taehyung's facial expression fall.

"What is that supposed to mean" Taehyung asked his tone sounding unintentionally more aggressive than he meant it to be.

"It's implying that I want to and that we should end whatever we have between us because it's too much"  Yoongi said in an assertive tone, he made up his mind to go through with this and he will make Taehyung understand.

Taehyung didn't like what he heard and glanced away from Yoongi and took a deep breath while biting his lower lip as if trying to control his emotions. "You want to break up. Seriously? Are you being serious right now?" Taehyung asked in a tone that seemed to attack and ridiculed Yoongi's choice.

"Obviously I'm serious" Yoongi replied, his tone was still assertive and confident.

"Why? Huh? What made you think that doing so would be the best choice?"

"It is the best choice, fight me on it all you want but I made up my mind. If all you plan to do is talk down to me because of my choice then I obviously made the right decision" Yoongi said as his tone was more assertive and decided to end the conversation by leaving. He didn't want to hear what Taehyung had to say, plus he felt pretty bad ass walking away after saying something like that, it felt like a scene from a movie to him, but he kept walking away so that Taehyung could see that he was serious and totally not messing around.

Taehyung on the other hand, didn't know what to do as he heard Yoongi's footsteps walking away. He didn't turn around to watch Yoongi walking away, but instead walked forwards, walking away as well. He knew that this couldn't be the end. Yoongi would beg to come back to him. He was the popular guy in school, everyone loved him. Yoongi would find no one else as great as himself...


What if Yoongi was being serious? Was this actually the end of their relationship? What did he do wrong to make Yoongi make a big decision like that? Was it because of the cafeteria? But he apologized. Everything should be fine.

Was there a way to fix this? Can it be fixed? What can I do to fix this?

Taehyung stopped walking as his mind was racing with thoughts that clouded his mind. He couldn't think. He didn't know what to do next.

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