Part 69

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After having such a great time yesterday Yoongi was at home relaxing. He had nothing planned for the day and there was no school. He planned to sleep and lay in bed all day. That was until there was a knock at the front door. Yoongi heard it, and decided to ignore it. If he doesn't answer then whoever was outside would leave. Yet he was wrong, his mother was home and she opened the door after hearing the third knock.

"Yoongi! Your friend Jimin is here!" Ms. Min shouted from downstairs and Yoongi heard footsteps heading up the stairs that were not his mother's so he sat up and prepared himself for a conversation.

"Hey Yoongi, sorry for showing up so suddenly" Jimin said as he walked into Yoongi's room. "It's fine" Yoongi replied.

"What's up? It's not like you to show up to my house outta no where" Yoongi replied as he sat on the edge of his bed and Jimin sat in a chair he pulled out from Yoongi's desk.

"Haha, yeah about that, I do have something to ask you about... Something that I really need your help with..." Jimin replied.

"Alright so what what is it?"

"Well uhm, I'm not sure how to ask you this you know..."

"Just ask me already"

"Alright alright, can you help me get closer to Hyun-wu?" Jimin asked with slight caution as he glanced at Yoongi to see his facial expression.

Yoongi was a bit surprised. "What?" He asked so that Jimin would repeat what he had said.

"Can you um, help me get closer to Hyun-wu? I have been liking him a bit more than usual recently and I think I really like him you know...more than friends" Jimin replied shyly.

"You like Hyun-wu?" Yoongi asked as he couldn't really believe what he was hearing.

"Yeah, uh if you don't want to it's fine, just pretend that I never asked or came over-"

"No no wait, it's fine, I'll help you" Yoongi quickly replied. "It's just that, my boy is all grown up now" Yoongi replied as he present to wipe a tear.


"I'm talking about Hyun-wu, he's never been on dates and such even though he knows about things like that" Yoongi replied. Jimin made a 'oh' face and smiled to himself as he learned something new about Hyun-wu.

"Has he really?"

"Yeah, he learns things from movies and stuff"

"Oh, how cute" Jimin replied with a smile.

"Right, well uh what did you need my help with exactly?"

"Anything helps really, I just want to know more about Hyun-wu, about his likes and dislikes, because he doesn't really talk about himself you know"

"Well he doesn't because no one asks"


"Yeah, if you never ask him directly he doesn't say anything because he thinks no one is interested" Yoongi replied.

"Oh, I see, hey so if I ask him to... You know date me, do you think he'll say yes?" Jimin asked shyly as he played with the hend of his shirt.

"Do you want to know what I really think?"


"Look, I'll tell you this, when we went out yesterday to the mall, he looked happy, I'd be lying if I said I didn't see him blush even a bit" Yoongi replied with a small smile.

"Really! He blushed?" Jimin asked with a big smile.

"Yeah, no one can get him to do that, unless he's extremely embarrassed, but  there was nothing embarrassing about yesterday"

"So then, you're saying I might have a chance?"

"That's exactly what I think, but you should start off with talking and asking him more questions"

"Alright, thank you for the advice, I really appreciate"

"Sure, glad I could help"

"Do you know where I could meet with Hyun-wu?"

"Don't you have his number?"

"Well... Yeah I do"

"Then text him or call him?"

"I'm too scared to, I want to run into him"

"Run into him?"

"Yeah, like in those dramas you know, where the two leads run into eachother a lot and fall in love-"

"Jeez, if I wasn't sure before I and now"

"Sure about what?"

"Your compatibility with Hyun-wu"

"O-oh" Jimin responded with a slight blush.

"Look, if anything he might be at the park, that's where he usually hangs out to eat and stuff"

"That's perfect! That's the best place I could run into him, what time does he usually go?"

"Hm, that I'm not sure about, he's not very consistent, he goes whenever he feels like it, it could be super early in the morning or late at night"



Yoongi looked at his phone and opened a message he got a smiled. "What luck you have, and what great timing" Yoongi replied. "Why?" Jimin asked.

"Because Hyun-wu just texted me"

"Oh! What did he say!"

"He said 'Hey I'm at the park right now, do you want to come by to hangout? I'll buy you food' that's funny" Yoongi smiled.

"Should I go right now? W-what do I do?" Jimin asked.

"I'll tell him I can't make it, then that's when you come along you know and do your thing"

"Really? You'll do that?"

"Yeah, I wanted to relax anyway and sleep in so if anything you did me a solid"

"Oh thank you! Thank you!" Jimin replied as he hugged Yoongi.

"Yeah yeah go on now, I'll let him know that I won't be able to go" Yoongi replied as Jimin let go of him.

"Go have fun now" Yoongi replied as Jimin began to leave and he messaged Hyun-wu back.

"Sorry I won't be able to make it"

"Now I get to lay back and relax" Yoongi sighed and went on his phone and began to watch a movie on his phone.

Hello, everybody 👋
Lowkey I'm curious if y'all are curious about what's about to happen next. Got any ideas 🧐?


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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