Part 43

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-Time skip- 

When they return back to school all the other students came immediately tell that Yoongi did not have a good time there. Yoongi's hair was a mess, had dark circles under his eyes, and was  being carried by Taehyung who had Yoongi on his back while holding their bags. They then looked at Hyun-wu to see the same look on him, messy hair and dark circles under his eyes, and began to wonder why Taehyung didn't look like that. Yoongi was about to fall asleep until he hard the most annoying noise ever in his entire life, one that made him want to, murder some one for how many times he had heard it.

"Hyun-wu~ Please touch us~" The same group of girls wined. The girls had been bugging Hyun-wu non stop and since Hyun-wu never left Yoongi's room, both Taehyung and yoongi and to put up with it. But Yoongi has had enough. Yoongi then threw himself off of Taehyung's back, falling to the ground.

"Yoongi what are you-" Before Taehyung could ask, Yoongi tiredly stood up and walked towards the girls, pushing Hyun-wu out of his way.

"Hyun-" Before the girl and finish Yoongi punched her.

"Can't you shut the fuck up?! Im fucken sick and tired of your fucken wining!" Yoongi yelled as he kicked the other three girls to the ground.

" Fucken 'Please touch me! Daddy we need you! Please finger me!' I had it! Shut up! Im fucken tired! I bet he is but didn't want to do anything cause your girls! He respected you when you didn't!" Yoongi yelled angrily as he kicked one of the girls sides.

 "But I'm not the same! I respect no one! Not even a girl! Nor a child! Not even a fucken adult or cop! Leave him alone!" Yoongi yelled as he kicked the girl harder.

"If you fucken continue this! If i see you around him. Your gonna be at hospital in your death bed" Yoongi tiredly yelled as he kicked the girl with force before falling to the ground. Both Hyun-wu's and Taehyung's eyes widened and they immediately dropped everything, running to Yoongi. Taehyung got Yoongi in his arms and tried to wake him up, but Yoongi wouldn't respond.

"Take him to the nurses office, he needs to rest" Hyun-wu said as the teachers and students just stood there, trying to process everything that happened. Taehyung did what Hyun-wu said and Taehyung asked if he could take the bags to his house. Hyun-wu nodded and told Taehyung that he'll come to the office after. When Taehyung got to the nurses office he laid Yoongi down on the bed and looked for a cloth. Once he found some he put water on it at the sink  and squeezed the extra water out, he then placed it on Yoongi's forehead after moving his hair out if the way. Taehyung then sat down next to Yoongi.

Later when Taehyung was slowly falling asleep the door opened, Taehyung instantly looked at the door to see Hyun-wu.

"Chill its just me" Hyun-wu said in a tired voice.

"Rest if you want to, since those girls kept banging at the door and screaming, bet you couldn't sleep"

"How did you sleep? You don't look like a fucken zombie"

"I had neighbors who ran a daycare, where kids can stay during the day or night, depended on what the parent, and most kids wanted to stay at night and knowing little kids, they scream as if being killed, cry as loud as they can, throw things around, run around"

"Did it happen often?"

"Fuck yeah, you don't know how many times i cam to school looking like a zombie" Taehyung laughed.

"So what happened?"

"Eventually, I got use to all those screams, cries, running and things being thrown around, I was then able to fall asleep and wake up as if there was no kids next door screaming all night"

"Fucken, respect" Hyun-wu said as he bowed down at Taehyung.

"Thank you now go to sleep you need it, the both of you do" Taehyung said as Hyun-wu then laid down on the bed next to Yoongi's. Taehyung then stood up and locked both doors to the office, both left and right of the room. He then sat back down as put his head down, looking at Yoongi. Taehyung's eyes then slowly closed, and eventually fell asleep.

Hey i managed! Anyways wanted to say that the story might end not sure yet,

I'll wait and see where my thoughts take me anyways, still not sure, so dont cry yet


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