part 66

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Yoongi And Hyun-wu both walked back to Yoongi's house where they were met with a surprise.

"Min Yoongi! Where were you?!" Yoongi's mother and Jin shouted in concern and worry as they quickly opened the door before Yoongi could open it himself. "Don't you know how worried I was" Yoongi's mother spoke and Jin nodded profusely agreeing with what she said.

"Sorry, I just need time to myself to get my thoughts together-"

"Yeah, that's enough, don't be so hard on him, I should be the one yelling at him, but he's been through enough already" Hyun-wu interrupted as he really stressed the word enough.

(Quite literally those previous chapters were wild, what was middle school me on)

Both Jin and Yoongi's mother understood, especially Jin as even when they first met he did notice and know that Taehyung became a handful, much more especially after meeting Yoongi. As they stepped to the side to let Yoongi and Hyun-wu walk in, Yoongi was immediately hugged by Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jungkook. Jin also couldn't help but join in on the hug.

"I'm fine, I didn't get hurt and nothing bad happened to me while I was gone" Yoongi said as he could feel the tightness of the hug squishing his arms to his sides tightly.

"Woow, no one ever hugged me like that when I run away" Hyun-wu blurted out, which got him a playful yet slightly hard smack on the arm by Yoongi's mother Mrs. Min. "Oh be quiet, I've seen your mother celebrate your return when ever we found you after running away"

"Not even, that's not what you call celebrating, a lecture after getting some 'sense' beat into me. I wanna get a hug like that" Hyun-wu smiled playfully and nodded towards the group hugging Yoongi.

Ms. Min then hugged Hyun-wu. "You've always made a big deal over things and bring up the past"

"I'll have you know, the past is very important so history won't repeat itself" Hyun-wu said in a mockingly voice that was similar to a teachers.

"But that is why I'm grateful that you're Yoongi's friend, you know when enough is enough, you've always taken care of him like your own brother and friend. Thank you Hyun-wu for being Yoongi's friend for so long. I'm so grateful to you" Ms. Min said in a soft voice that told Hyun-wu that she meant every word she spoke.

"Oh fuck, your gonna make me cry" Hyun-wu spoke as he tried to controller his shaky voice as blink fast so tears wouldn't roll down his face. "Why did you tell me that now, it's too early to be crying" Hyun-wu spoke as tears began to roll down his face and Ms. Min tightened her hug around him and patted his back to comfort him. She rested her cheek on top of Hyun-wu's head and watched as the group of boys were watching in surprise and awe.

"I've don't think I've ever seen Hyun-wu cry like that" Jimin whispered.

"Me either" Jungkook replied.

"Let's give them some space before I start crying too" Hoseok said as he and Jin moved everyone out of the living room. Yoongi stayed and hugged Hyun-wu as well, which to Hyun-wu meant more, Yoongi didn't have to say anything yet his hug told Hyun-wu everything, which made Hyun-wu cry even harder.

"Y-you guys are so m-mean, maki-ing me cry s-so early in the m-morning"
Hyun-wu spoke as he continually wiped his face that streamed with tears.

"You've always been there standing next to me no matter what happens, that means a lot you know" Yoongi spoke.

Hyun-wu shook his head to the side as he was struggling to stop crying but Yoongi was making it worse by talking. "B-be quite, I'm trying to stop crying"

Ms. Min smiled, it was rare to see Hyun-wu cry. "I'll go make some breakfast for you all" Ms. Min said as she patted Hyun-wu's hair as she pulled away from him and left to the kitchen.
After some time passed Hyun-wu stopped crying. "Bullys, you and your mom, you bully me with nice words" Hyun-wu said with a small laugh, which did make Yoongi smile a bit. "Let's go meet up with everyone else, they are probably outside in the backyard" Yoongi said and Hyun-wu followed behind him as he wiped his face with his hands to get rid of any evidence that he had cried.

As they met with everyone else no one brought up Hyun-wu crying because they knew it would make things awkward if they asked while Hyun-wu was literally there standing next to them.

They all stood there in silence, until Hyun-wu cleared his throat and started to talk. "I'll just get it out of the way, yeah I cried, so what? Everyone does that so don't be so shocked by it"

"It's just that you've never cried around us" Jimin pointed out.

"Wrong, I just cried now and you guys were around, plus I never gave you guys permission to see me cry except for obviously Yoongi and Ms. Min"

"We need permission to see you cry-" Jungkook spoke but was interrupted by  Yoongi.

"It's just a thing, he gives mental permission to specific people, it'll get confusing if you try to explain it any further but that's all there is too it"

Everyone made a 'oh' face now understanding.

"Anyways I'm fine, I meet a super nice elderly lady who helped me out, and she let me stay at her house overnight as it was raining"

Everyone listened as Yoongi was telling what happened and what he planned to do.

"So then" Hoseok began "Your going to meet with Taehyung, hear out his explanation as to why he hit you like that in the cafeteria, and then tell him that you want a break from each other, face to face?"

"Yes exactly, that's what I literally said that I was going to do" Yoongi replied.

"Why face to face? Just tell him over text because he might hit you again" Jungkook pointed out.

"Hyun-wu said not to do that" Yoongi answered.

"Huh?! I never said that"

"Never give bad news face to face, you told me this when giving relationship advice"

Hyun-wu stood there, he did not remember at all. "Well don't listen to it, it's stupid advice, do it over text like Jungkook suggested"

"Hyun-wu and Jungkook have a point, I think it is better for you to do it over text" Namjoon spoke.

Hyun-wu looked at Yoongi's face for a bit and sighed. "He already made up his mind, he's not going to change his mind"

"Then how about we follow to see if it goes well? Like spies" Jungkook suggested. Everyone agreed with this idea.

"Breakfast is ready!" Ms.Min shouted from inside the house and everyone walked back inside the house. They sat down and began to eat breakfast along with Ms. Min.

After they all finished eating breakfast Ms. Min said that she would give them space to talk and go tend to her garden  out in the backyard as she over heard them talking a bit while cooking breakfast. As Ms. Min left to go outside everyone turned to look at Yoongi.

"So what's the plan? How are you going to break it Taehyung?" Namjoon asked.

"I just plan to meet up at the park or a random curb of a street and listen to his explanation and then just tell him that I think we should take a break from each other"

"Just like that?" Jimin asked. "He's not going to take it too well and if anything he'll most likely want to tell you why he did what he did over some food"

"Then I'll just say I already ate and that I'm not hungry. Guys this is a very simple plan I got this" Yoongi replied.

Hyun-wu was unsure if this was a good idea, he didn't feel comfortable letting Yoongi tell Taehyung of all people face to face that they were going to take a break from their relationship. But he reassured himself that it would be find as they will watch from a distance if anything went wrong, just as Jungkook had called it, they'll play as spies.

"So when are you planning to tell him?" Jin asked.

"Today" Yoongi replied nonchalantly. "To get it over with"

My bad I thought I published it when I woke up 🧍

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