Part 5

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Yoongi woke up and walked down stairs to see Jin cooking. "Uh...Hey you do know that we can just get take outs right?" Yoongi said getting Jin's attention. 

"Oh I know, but i thought that i should cook for you since your letting us stay"

"...Riiiiight..." Yoongi said and sat down on the kitchen chair.

"Hey Jin whats with Taehyung? Is he always like that?"

"Well let me feed your mind with information about Taehyung okay?"


"1. Is a virgin, hasn't had his first kiss, but is some how experienced, 2. He is very protective and possessive, 3.He has a shit tone of pictures of you in his phones"


"He has a shit ton of pictures of you on multiple phones"

"What the fuck?! How and where the fuck did he get the money to buy a bunch of phones?!"

"I don't even know and don't curse when I'm around. I'm letting you slid since I'm telling you this information"

"I'm sorry but its in my nature to curse"

"Well get rid of it unless you want to be punished"

"What do you mean punished?"

"You'll see when you curse"

"That just makes me not to find out..."

"Good" Jin said as he continued cooking. Yoongi looked around the living room since it was visible from the kitchen and saw no one and not to mention it was very, very quiet in the house.

"Hey Jin... Where is everyone?" 

"Oh I sent them out to buy groceries"

"Why?" Yoongi asked not seeing the reason to send everyone.

"They were making so much noise that i was starting to worry that they might wake you up plus i also had enough of them so i gave them money to buy food" Jin explained and Yoongi hummed in response.

After a long while the five boys who were sent off to the store finally came back, with tons of bags.

"What did you guys buy?!" Jin asked knowing that the money he gave them would not buy that much food.

"Jin! Before you decide to do anything to me when they tell you i just want to say that i had no part in it and i tried telling them not to buy it!" Namjoon and Hoseok  yelled out at the same time.

"Okay but tell me what did you guys get?!" Jin asked again starting to get worried by how Namjoon and Hoseok answered.

"We brought....CANDY!!!" The makane line yelled out happily while holding the bags up.

"EXCUSE ME BUT I THINK THE FUCK NOT!" Yoongi yelled out signaled Namjoon and Hoseok to grab the bags of candy.

"I cleaned this house so many damn times to keep it bug fucken free!" Yoongi yelled out as he was walking up the stairs to his room with Namjoon and Hoseok behind them. When the three came back down they didn't have any bags of candy in their hands.

"Why'd you do that?!" The makane line asked.

"Like i fucken said i cleaned so damn hard for this place to be bug free and i ain't gonna let candy be the reason why they start fucken crawling in here" Yoongi explained and the makane line started to pout while looking at Yoongi.

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