Part 16

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Yoongi woke up the next morning to see the Tv on the main menu for the sider man movie. Yoongi sat up noticing that he feel asleep on Taehyung's lap.

"I swear to got i was sitting down when i fell asleep"  Yoongi thought to himself but when he looked up he saw Taehyung still asleep. Yoongi started at Taehyung for a while until he broke the trance he was in.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Yoongi asked himself feeling his heart racing a bit. Yoongi looked around the living room to see some pictures on the wall most with friends Yoongi assumed but wondered why he didn't any family pictures. Yoongi continued to look around the room until he felt eyes on him, when Yoongi looked back at Taehyung, but was met with Taehyung looking back at him but in a different way. They kept staring into each others eyes until Yoongi broke the staring contest.

"Good morning" Yoongi said feeling uncomfortable with the silence.

"Good morning" Taehyung replied as he then yawned and stretched which went on to Yoongi cause he did the same right after. 



"I just noticed that, uh, you dont have any family photos, w-why is that?" Yoongi asked but soon noticed the change in Taehyung's facial expression.

"I have a reason..." Taehyung replied.

"Do you want to tell me?, You dont have to" Yoongi quickly said afterwards.

"My family decided to disowned me after I told them that I was gay" Taehyung replied which instantly stabbed Yoongi's heart.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry i aske-"

"No its alright" Taehyung replied with a smile. Yoongi smiled back before Taehyung had asked him a question.

"Dose your mom know that your gay?" This question took Yoongi by surprise.

"I-Uh No"

"You haven't told her?"



"Well, she uh fans over gay stuff"

"What do you mean?"

"She reads stories about gay guys um fucking and she- she reads then late at night but i always wake up to her squealing saying oh my god! oh my god! do it do it!" Yoongi explained mocking his mom a bit. Taehyung started laughing as he heard this.

"Tell her that we are dating"

"What? We aren't dating though"

"We can" Taehyung said in a deep voice that possibly didn't...turn Yoongi on. Yoongi blushed a bit to which Taehyung noticed.

"From what I'm seeing, you do want to date"

"N-No I um, its hot in here"

"Really? Cause I dont feel it" Taehyung said teasingly as Yoongi felt more embarrassed.

"I'm hungry, what do you have?" Yoongi quickly asked wanting to be away from Taehyung.

"I dont know" Taehyung said as he stretched. Yoongi stood up and walked to the refrigerator to see enough ingredients to make breakfast. As Yoongi took out the things he needed to make a basic breakfast Taehyung watched as Yoongi cooked,

"I didn't know you can cook" Taehyung blurted out.

"I can cook, I'm not just a kid who caused trouble for most of his life, I have hobbies to"

"Yeah, like what?" Taehyung asked interested.

"I can cook, rap, write and make music, play the piano, and 10 out of 100% good at dancing" Yoongi pointed out.

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