Part 41

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The next morning Yoongi didn't even bother opening his eyes and laid still on the bed.  Taehyung was awake and was waiting for Yoongi to wake up, not knowing that he was actually awake. Taehyung waited for 30 more minutes until he got out of bed and looked through his bag to get his speaker and connected it to his phone and started playing Attack on titan on full blast which startled Yoongi.







"YOU LITTLE FUCK!" Yoongi yelled as he got out of bed and painfully walked to Taehyung and turned off the speaker.

"I said to fucken turn it off" Yoongi said as he let his body fall to the ground. Taehyung put down his speaker and phone, looking at Yoongi and picking him up in his arms.

"Are you okay"

"Huh? Me oh yeah in fi- No im fucken not i can't fucken move my fucken body cause i feel to fucken weak and i cant do shit now because you wanted to do it one day after another!" Yoongi yelled and he weakly put his head against Taehyung's chest.

"Do you want me to shower you"

"nOoOoOoO- of course, what me to drown in the shower"

"Aww no" Taehyung said pinching Yoongi's cheeks and walked into the shower with Yoongi.

 -Hyun-wu - 

Hyun-wu was laying on the floor with his phone and laptop near by and stared at the wall until he lazily stood up and threw himself onto the couch.

"IM SO FUCKEN BORED!" Hyun-wu yelled into the couch and fell of on purpose. Hyun-wu then walked to the front door and put on his sweater, he then opened  the door and closed it walking to Yoongi's and Taehyung's room and pulled out a card he had messed up with scissors and put it in between the wall and door knob before opening it. Hyun-wu then closed the door and heard the shower running. Hyun-wu put the card back in his pocket and walked in.

"Good thing i didn't bring my shoes" Hyun--wu thought to himself as he went behind the kitchen counter and crouched down wanting to scare them since he had nothing better to do. Hyun-wu was waiting wishing he had brought his phone until he heard Yoongi yelling at Taehyung from the shower.

"Stop! Taehyung! Not there! I can do it i said stop!" 

Hyun-wu smiled to himself hearing Yoongi yelling at Taehyung until he snorted and eventually  laughed by what Yoongi had said next.

"Stop! I'm not gonna let you fuck me if you dont stop!" 

Hyun-wu continued to laugh trying to muffle his laughing with his hands as he then heard the shower being turned off. Hyun-wu continued to muffle his laugh as he heard someone walking out of a room, once they were close enough Hyun-wu jumped out and yelled.


Hyun-wu earned a scream and when he looked to see who it was he saw Taehyung with no towel around him. Hyun-wu instantly covered his eyes.

"What the hell! Put a fucken towel around you! Jesus! My fucken eyes!" Hyun-wu yelled. Yoongi then walked out of the bedroom after putting on his underwear and pants.

"Hyun-wu what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked seeing Hyun-wu covering his eyes.

"Tell your fucken boyfriend to put a towel around his dick! My eyes! My fucken poor eyes! All I wanted to see if you guys wanted to hang out after i fucken scared you guys! And what do I get instead?! I get fucken flashed by my friends boyfriend! God! I want my mum! Call her for me!" Hyun-wu said in a panicked tone yet with a hint of sarcasm.

Yoongi then threw Taehyung a jacket from the coat hanger near the door and told Taehyung to get change. When Taehyung left Yoongi told Hyun-wu to put his hands down.

"Fuck no! How can i trust you! Your probably get pay back!

"Hyun-wu, trust me he left" Yoongi said as he forced Hyun-wu hands away.

"How did you get in?"

"The same way how we broke into that one kid's house for touching that girl in the wrong places" Hyun-wu said with a smirk, knowing he was gonna get hit by Yoongi and get his card taken away even though he had more. As expected Yoongi took his card and smacked him on the back of his head. 

"What did you want to ask"

"What do you mean by i wont let you fuck me?" Hyun-wu asked as he moved away from Yoongi.

"Listen you little shit-"

"Im playing! Do you want to go out or something im bored, you can bring your boyfriend to" Hyun-wu spoke as he wiggled his eyebrows when saying the last part. Yoongi raised his hand at Hyun-wu, who laughed it  off his with hands up in surrender.

"I cant"


"Cause" Yoongi replied and saw Hyun-wu smiling while wiggling his eye brown as he said 'oh'.

"We can watch a movie instead, the three of us" Hyun-wu said as he leaned against the counter.

"I don't know"

"I'll cook" Hyun-wu said as he then waited for Yoongi to answer.

"HEY TAEHYUNG! IF I COOK FOR YOU GUYS CAN I STAY AND WATCH A MOVIE WITH YOU GUYS?!" Hyun-wu yelled and got an instant 'yes' from Taehyung.

"Its settled then, I'll cook so go choose a movie that we can watch and choose other ones so that we can watch them after" Hyun-wu said as he looked into the refrigerator but then remembered that they we in a hotel. Just then Taehyung walked out of the bedroom and gave Yoongi a shirt to put on.

"Hey guys"

"Yeah" Taehyung answered.

"Can we order food instead?"

"Why you said you were gonna cook?"

"Why make food when we are in a hotel that can make food for you?"

"Yeah but its expensive"

"But the schools paying for us, rooms and food" Hyun-wu said as he and Taehyung silently looked at each other before sprinting to the hotel phone.

"Hi can we have food sent to out room?" Taehyung asked as he heard Hyun-wu muffled his laughs.

"Of course what would you like?"

"What do you have on the menu?" Taehyung asked as he looked at Hyun-wu with a smile as the lady told them what they had on the menu.

"We'll take everything!" Hyun-wu said into the phone as Taehyung then told the lady his room number and hanged up. The two the started laughing as they threw them self to the ground.

"Idiots" Yoongi said with a laugh as he picked out a movie.

When the food arrived they came in boxes when Taehyung and Hyun-wu carried the boxes inside they unpacked all the food on the coffee table before sitting on the couch. Hyun-wu played the movie and sat on the floor while Taehyung and Yoongi were on the couch, each having one or two pillows as they watched the move and ate the food in front of them.

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