Part 54

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After Taehyung showered Yoongi he dressed him up in a black skirt along with a black crop top, Taehyung then slipped on white  thigh highs on Yoongi, and finally Taehyung gave Yoongi his daddy sweater that was pink. Yoongi put on the sweater not really comfortable with a crop top on. Taehyung then held Yoongi's hand on their way to class, Yoongi didn't think Taehyung would do this but of course it was better than being tied up with a device in your ass. When Yoongi looked up he saw a face he never saw in school.

"Transfer kid?" Yoongi thought to himself as he continued to walk with Taehyung. When they got to class the new kid Yoongi saw earlier was in the same class, the teacher walked in and introduced the new kid.

"This is Do-won, Sofie's little brother...okay now do what ever the hell you want" The teacher said before sitting at his desk. Yoongi smiled to himself and stood up but was quickly pulled down and found himself on Taehyung's lap.

"What are you doing let me go!" Yoongi whispered and he tried to get out of Taehyung's hold.

"You said that you would do anything and I want you to stay here"


"No, your staying here" Taehyung whispered and he rest his head on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi sat there quickly feeling bored so he grabbed Taehyung's hand and began gently touching it as he was seeing it for the first time. Taehyung smiled as he watched Yoongi gently touching his hand. Taehyung then noticed the new kid staring at Yoongi with loving eyes.

"What's his problem?" Taehyung whispered, getting Yoongi's attention.


"The new kid" Taehyung pointed out and Yoongi looked up and the new kid quickly looked away.

"Is he shy?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung shrugged.

"Reminds me of Hyun-wu when he transfered to my neighborhood" Yoongi laughed.

"You called" Hyun-wu interupted as he came out of nowhere.

"Yeah help me out of here"



"Let me capture this moment before it slips" Hyun-wu laughed as he pulled out his phone and took a picture of Yoongi sitting on Taehyung's lap.

"Hey no stop!" Yoongi laughed embarrasssed, while Hyung-wu continued to take pictures. Taehyung laughed as he then sent a glare at Do-won. Sofie noticed and began to worry but her brother paid not attention to the glare and continued to look at Yoongi. Making it obvious that he likes him. When class ended Yoongi and Taehyung left the classroom, that's when their classmates walked up to Do-won.

"Hey you like Yoongi right?" A student asked, Do-won nodded.

"Well don't or else Yoongi won't be the only criminal here"

"What do you mean?" Do-won asked.

"Yoongi kills, steals, tags and the school is basically scared of him, not even the cops will do anything and he knows it but he continues being that way and when he gets out of control that dude with Yoongi always calms him down, and we don't think you can do that"

"Yes i can"



"Alright then, i heard this morning that there will be this small group of wannabe tough kids who are planning to jump Yoongi, and knowing Yoongi he will lose control and things will get out of hand, then we'll see if you can calm him down" 

"Fine! I'll just follow them-"

"If you liked Yoongi then you should know that he can easily tell if someone is following him"

"I know that!"

"Suuuuuure" The boy said as he walked away other students warning Do-won as well. But he didn't listen, Do-won still followed Yoongi and Taehyung until Yoongi suddenly turned around.

"Hey can you stop following us, I didn't want to say anything because your new but if you continue this I'll-" Before Yoongi finished Taehyung placed his hand over Yoongi's mouth shutting him up.

"Sorry he's just unhappy today" Taehyung interrupted and Do-won nodded, trying not to focus on the hand placed over Yoongi's mouth.

"It's okay, I was just getting to know the campus" Do-won lied. Taehyung nodded and dragged Yoongi away, Do-won still following them. Soon just like that boy from earlier said this group of kids tried to jump both Yoongi and Taehyung but Yoongi was the first to act.

"Wondered what took you so long!" Yoongi laughed as he kicked a boy's stomach. One tried to come at Yoongi with scissors nut Yoongi held their wrist back and twisted their arm so that it was held against their back, dropping the boy to the ground. Causing his friends to freeze.

"Get off-"

"Shhh, before you say anything" Yoongi began as he picked up the scissors with a smile and held them against the boy's neck.

"Were you here yesterday? During that fight?" Yoongi continued.

"No" They all answered, Yoongi nodded.

"Should I tie you to the back of a car instead of slitting your throats?"


"Then how do i show you not to mess with me! I need to be in perfect condition for-" Yoongi stopped himself and began coughing.

"Are you okay?" Do-won asked as he patted Yoongi's back.

"I'm good now don't touch me" Yoongi yelled.

"But i was only tryin-"

"Shut up before i stab you! God! You think your slick! I felt your fucken eyes on my in class but i didn't say anything! Leave me alone before I-" Before Yoongi even raised his arm Taehyung held down Yoongi's wrists and carried him in his arms.

"Well looks like we got to leave, now i am spearing you so run before he gets to made and decides to kill you" Taehyung said as the kid on the floor and his friends ran off but Do-won didn't move.

"You have some balls for staying but you should go" Taehyung continued but again, Do-won didn't move. Taehyung decided to leave with Yoongi instead and on his way to the front gate he saw sofie running to her brother's direction.

"Something is up" Taehyung thought to himself as he teased Yoongi and sat down next to the gate with him and began talking.

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