Part 29

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The next morning Yoongi woke up to loud noise outside. Yoongi got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom into the living room, where Hyun-wu was sleeping .

"How could you even sleep?" Yoongi whispered to himself until he saw that Hyun-wu had earphones on. Yoongi sighed as he then peeked out the window, moving the curtains and what he saw outside horrified him. The kind lady and her daughter had a knife to their neck. One of the guards that Yoongi remembered either Hyun-wu or himself stabbing outside of the school. Yoongi then saw Axel stepping out of the car holding a sign.

"If you come with me I'll let them live. I'll give you 20 minutes to get ready and to come outside. Dont bother telling your friends, if you do we'll hurt the little girl" The board read. Yoongi then closed the curtains and quickly changed his clothes then grabbing Hyun-wu's phone and started writing a message on what to do , then grabbing a couple of pocket knifes. After Yoongi was done he quickly went outside, slowly walking towards Axel, who was across the street. Axel smirked to himself uuntil Yoongi stopped walking in the middle of the street.

"What are you doin-"

"Im hungry"

"Wha- Ill make you something when we get home"

"No, I want take outs" Yoongi said trying to buy time for Hyun-wu to wake up.

"Okay fine we'll get take outs just come over here-"

"Let them go first, then I'll walk to you"

"What are-"

"After i walk to you, buy me take outs"


"Would you want me to starve? I might as well try saving them myself" Yoongi said in a challenging voice. Axel then agreed to what Yoongi said. Yoongi the walked to Axel, who then released the mother and daughter. Axel then opened the car door for Yoongi. Yoongi went inside the car and Axel followed after and closed the door. The car drove off Axel putting his hand on Yoongi's thigh slowly going up until Yoongi stopped Axel.

"If you dont want me to do anything crazy then don't touch-" Before Yoongi could finish Axel gripped Yoongi's face and forced him to look at him.

"What are-" Yoongi then felt lips against his own. Yoongi's eyes widened as he then tried to push Axel off soon seeing the tinted window going up the bodyguard rolling the window up and putting the music volume up as well.Yoongi was then laying on his back hitting Axel, telling him to get off. Yoongi then Took out his pocket knife and stabbed Axel in the back. Axel then got off of Yoongi, who quickly pulled out the pocket knife and hid it again.

"What the fuck!" Axel yelled angrily.

"Same to you bastard!" Yoongi yelled. Axel looked up when the car stopped and smirked appeared on his face.

"Why the hell are you smiling at fucker!" Yoongi yelled but didn't get a reply. Yoongi was then harshly picked up and carried into the house. Yoongi recognized the room he was going to and instantly started kicking. Yoongi was then harshly pushed onto the bed. Axel then grabbed some rope and tied Yoongi's arms as tightly as he could on the head board.

"What the fuck are you going to do! Untie me!" Yoongi yelled but Axel just smirked in return. Yoongi saw Axel going into a closet and pulled out a small device.

"What the hell is that-" Before Yoongi could finish he was then blind folded, Yoongi then felt his pants being lowered, including his underwear which was boxers, which Yoongi was grateful that he wore boxers instead of the panties Taehyung bought.

"Get your hands off me! Dont tou- AHHHHHGGH!!!!!!" Yoongi yelled as he felt something vibrating violently in his ass. The only thing Yoongi could do was scream, he couldn't think as tears rolled down his cheeks.

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