Part 53

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Later when Sofie arrived home she went into her father's room and sat in the seat in front of him.

"What is it dear?"

"I have a question"

"Go on"

"Who is M.Y and-"

"Have you seen them!"

"Yes, at school, I have all my classes with them"

"Sweet heart what ever you do, stay away from them do as told and don't get in their way"


"Those two are dangerous, remember Jason?"


"He was killed by them"

"High schoolers?"

"They aren't just students, their the devil himself, especially M.Y, if that boy loses control, he could take down the whole government"

"Is he that strong?" A voice came from the door way.

"Yes Do-won"


"Yeas son?"

"Can i marry M.Y! I want to see him and be in all his classes!" Do-won yelled happily, knowing his father couldn't say no.

"To dangerous-"

"I think he already has a boyfriend" Sofie interrupted, getting her brother's attention.

"What! To who!" He yelled.

"I think the tall boy, the suppose popular boy"

"humph! M.Y will be mine!" The boy yelled as he then looked at his father.

"Dad please! He's the same boy I liked in pre-school through middle school! I haven't seen him since because mother threw me into a private school!" The boy begged.

"Alright then, Sofie make sure Do-won doesn't go over board, or if M.Y shows any negative response, apologize for Do-won and take him away from M.Y"

"Alright then" Sofie agreed knowing that her brother was stupid.

-Taehyung's place-

"Please! Only bad people!" Yoongi cried as he held onto Taehyung's waist.

"No, I dont want you killing anyone!"

"Please!!!! Only people like Jason who does bad shit-"



"Not cursing!"

"Why the fuck not!"



"I said no cursing!"


"I'll punish you!"

"I. Dare.You."

"Dont say it!"

"Bitch" Yoongi said before he began running away from Taehyung.




"Your going to punish me!"

"I told you not to say it!"





"BULL SHIT! HOW! EXPLAIN! YOUR GONNA ENJOY IT!" Yoongi yelled as he then quickly opened the front door and ran out with Taehyung chasing after him. Taehyung caught up to Yoongi and carried him back home.

"No put me down" Yoongi laughed as Taehyung then slammed the front door close. Yoongi froze and glanced at Taehyung to see him...excited...

"T-Taehyung, I'm sorry" Yoongi apologized, but Taehyung didn't respond. Taehyung placed Yoongi on the couch and closed all the curtains and locked all the doors, Yoongi stood up and watched as Taehyung walked out of the room with rope.

"C-Come on I-I was just playing! I said sorry!" Yoongi spoke as he backed away while Taehyung tried to get close.

"I-I wont say bad words! Promise!" Yoongi quickly said as Taehyung started charging at him, fear washed over Yoongi as he heard Taehyung's foot steps behind him.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Stop please! I wont do it again!" Yoongi cried as he kept dodging Taehyung. Yoongi ran to once side of the couch while Taehyung was on the other side.

"Truce!" Yoongi yelled, actually fearing for his ass.

"Okay" Taehyung said as he put his hand out, Yoongi smiled and Took Taehyung's hand until Taehyung pulled Yoongi towards him and tied Yoongi's wrist behind his back. Taehyung then removed Yoongi's clothes and carried him into their bedroom and placed Yoongi on the bed.

"You lied to me! That's worse than killing people and saying bad words!" Yoongi cried as he tried to roll off the bed but couldn't. Taehyung told Yoongi to spread his legs but he didn't instead he closed them as much as he could. Taehyung pulled out a vibrator and opened Yoongi's legs forcefully and shoved the device in Yoongi's ass.

"No! Take it out! I don't like it!"

"You said that i could do what ever i wanted when punishing you" Taehyung reminded as he then pulled out his thin silver rod with bumps and put it in Yoongi's front to keep him from cumming.

"Take it out! It hurts!" Yoongi yelled as he turned to his side, curling up into a ball.

"Your so cute when your like this" Taehyung coed as he began removing his clothes, Taehyung took out the vibrator and shoved his dick inside of Yoongi. Taehyung thrusted himself in and out of Yoongi from his behind and noticed how tightly Yoongi was holding his fists together.

"I-I need to c-cum!"

"Already, but we just started~" Taehyung whispered and he picked up his pace. Yoongi moaned into the mattress until Taehyung sat Yoongi up so that he was sitting on his dick. Yoongi moaned as he threw his head back against Taehyung's shoulder.

"Do you feel good~" Taehyung asked as he began fingering Yoongi as well. Taehyung can feel Yoongi's body shaking but continued to finger him. Taehyung laid Yoongi down on the bed and pulled out, Yoongi then closed his legs, his dick hurting painfully. Yoongi could feel his body shaking but couldn't help it.

"I never said you could close your legs"

"C-Come on, I s-said i was sorry-y"

"Yes but you also have to be punished"

"C-can you let me-errrugh, o-off" Yoongi asked as his pain grew.


"Please! I-It hurts so muc-ugh-ch"

"Nope" Taehyung replied, soon the pain became unbearable for Yoongi to the point where he wanted out and would do anything.

"Please! I'll do anything besides this!"


"Yes plea-ugh~"

"Would you dress up how i tell you to?"


"Would you listen to me-"

"Yes! I will"

"Alright then you better or next punishment will be worse" Taehyung warned as he pulled out the pin and Yoongi came as soon as it was removed. Yoongi panted uncontrollably as he relaxed his body, Taehyung threw away everything he used on Yoongi after wiping them. Let's go take you a shower, Taehyung turned around when he didn't get a response and saw that Yoongi was asleep.

"Tomorrow then"

Taehyung then left the room and closed the door behind himself after cleaning up and pulling a cover over Yoongi.

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