Part 51

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I guess i'll put at warning idk

When they got home Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's bag and threw it away from Yoongi and slammed the door. Yoongi, still having this urge to kill, began trying to push Taehyung's hand away so that he can grab his bag and kill people. Taehyung tighten his grip more as Yoongi tried to pull away hungrily trying to reach for his bag. Taehyung had enough of Yoongi's habit and threw Yoongi to the floor with force. Yoongi looked at Taehyung and smiled as he tried to sit up but Taehyung held him down.

"You need to stop. I'm giving all your weapons away" Taehyung spoke in a deep voice as he looked into Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi laughed it off, until Taehyung  gripped his hair and dragged him into their room.

"Let me go! It fucken hurts! You bastard!" Yoongi yelled as he tried to get away from Taehyung, but he just tightened his grip. Taehyung opened his side of the closet and took out some rope, he then tied Yoongi's wrists together, Taehyung then threw Yoongi onto the bed and tied the end of the rope to the bed post.

"What the fuck are you doing-"

"Shut up"

"You are so fucken-"'

"I said shut up! Why don't you listen to me!" Taehyung yelled as he then grabbed a black cloth and wrapped it around Yoongi's mouth to keep him from talking. Taehyung then began removing Yoongi's clothes and threw them some where in the room. Yoongi began trying to get out of his restrains. Taehyung noticed this and grabbed a small device and put it in Yoongi's ass. Taehyung decided that there was no point in putting something over Yoongi's mouth and untied it. Taehyung sat down and pulled a controller and pressed a button. Yoongi gasped and put his legs together. Taehyung noticed how Yoongi's mood changed in an instant. Taehyung went to the Bed side and looked at Yoongi, who slowly opened his eyes and looked at Taehyung.

"T-Take it o-out!"

"Not until you answer my question"

"O-Okay what-hnn~ What is i-it!"

"Are you going to stop all of this"


"Killing people! Beating them! Having weapons put away!"

"No!" Yoongi answered as he felt the thing in him vibrating faster.

"Why?!" Taehyung asked angrily as he pressed the button more. Yoongi yelled as he tried to pull his hands out. Yoongi tried holding back his moans as he desperately tried to get his hands free while his lower body was...heating up.

Taehyung looked at Yoongi again and saw that he was slowly getting weak. Soon Yoongi came and Taehyung pressed the button more, the vibrator soon going max level. Yoongi arched his back and moaned.

"Do you want me to take the vibrator out" Taehyung asked and Yoongi nodded, tears rolling down his face.

"Are you going to stop killing people, just like you did today"

Yoongi didn't respond but soon shook his head.

"Why?" Taehyung asked, Yoongi opened his mouth to respond but before he could say anything he moaned.

"I'll take it out, that way you can tell me with out being a moaning mess" Taehyung then took the vibrator out of Yoongi and turned it off, putting it to the side.

"Why" Taehyung asked again as Yoongi began crying. Taehyung wanted to comfort Yoongi but didn't, instead Taehyung cleaned Yoongi up and untied his hands. Taehyung then dressed Yoongi into some comfortable clothes and the two sat on the bed.

"Now tell me" Taehyung asked in a serious voice, tears started to form as Yoongi began explaining.

"B-Because i-i-t was all we had, no one was there for us, w-we always got picked on, they always told us that we were nothing, they never listened, w-we always got in trouble because of them, a-asked for help but they put us off! So we did things ourselves! We felt better and decided to keep doing it since it made us happy for the first time!"

"Yoongi you still need to stop, even though it makes you happy its wrong in many ways-" Taehyung was caught off guard when Yoongi suddenly stood up.

"It was all we had! no one was fucken there!-"

"I'm here for you!"

"Not when I was going through hell!" Yoongi yelled as he ran out of the room, Yoongi quickly grabbed is bag and slipped on his shoes, running out of the house, Taehyung then chased after Yoongi, closing the door behind himself and grabbed Yoongi's bag.

"Just talk to me-"

"Why do you want me to stop!"

"Because it's wrong-"

"Tell me the truth!"

"I care for you and I dont want anything to happen to you, when that Alex guy took you away I didn't know what to do"

"I can't just stop it"

"I know, but-"

"What if i don't hurt innocent people"


"Only the ones who actually did something"


"Please! If i lose control, then do what ever you want to me"

"I- er- Fine" Taehyung replied and Yoongi smiled, thanking Taehyung. The two went back inside and Taehyung closed the door.


"Good, Taehyung made up with him, cause if he didn't, oooooooooooooh he in troubleeeee" Hyun-wu whispered as he then turned around and walked back home, still in his pajamas and socks, didn't bother wearing shoes when 'his friend is in trouble senses tingles'

I LAUGHED THE ENTIRE TIME WHILE WRITING THIS, MY SISTER came up to me and said i was crazy for laughing to myself and my laptop screen.


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