Part 42

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When the movie finished Hyun-wu picked the next movie and put on a horror film. But of course he didn't tell them what kind of movie it was. When Hyun-wu sat back down he had a smile on his face which Yoongi immediately noticed and gently shook Taehyung's arm.

"What is it?"

"Do you know what movie he picked?"


"Shit" Yoongi whispered to him self knowing Hyun-wu that if he didn't put a horror movie, which is rare, he would have put on a Yaoi anime series and force them to watch.



"Which movie did you put?"



"Im playing! I put a horror movie"

"FUCKER!" Yoongi yelled as he waited to see which movie it was, when the opening played it  showed the new horror film playing.


"No you always talk bad about it and ruin it for me saying 'oh why he do that, why are they doing it there? who gives someone that, who says that now" Hyun-wu said as he gave the movie time to play to the jump scares. When the movie played a girl screaming Yoongi flinched and looked at the Tv to see some horrifying shit.




"Im taller tho"

"BITCH!" Yoongi yelled as Taehyung muffled his laughs. Hyun-wu smiled and looked away as Yoongi held his collar and gave in.

"Okay okay! Fine" Hyung-wu said has he moved Yoongi's hands from his shirt and connected his phone to the Tv and put on his favorite anime. Hyun-wu sat on the floor as the tv played, Taehyung looked at Yoongi and tapped Hyun-wu's shoulder.

"What is it?"

"Are they gonna fuck or what?"



"Have you seen it?"




"Your lying" Hyun-wu said and Taehyung nodded and slightly moved his head to the side.

"Want me to put the movie instead?" Hyun-wu whispered as Taehyung nodded. Hyun-wu nodded and looked back at the tv and saw the two main characters fucking. The three were quiet until Hyun-wu spoke up.

"I'll do that after they are done, I wanna see this" He said as he moved closer to the Tv. After the scene Hyun-wu disconnected his phone which instantly played the horror movie.


"What want me to leave it on so that you guys can do it to?" Hyun-wu spoke with a smirk as he stood up and sat on the couch next to Taehyung. During the movie there was knocking at the front door, Hyun-wu stood up and told Taehyung that he'll get it. When Hyun-wu opened the door he saw a group of girls, before he could say anything he was suddenly grabbed from the waist.

"Wait! What are you doing! Dont put your hand in there! Yoongi help!" Hyun-wu yelled as the girls tried to make their way in His pants. Yoongi looked at Hyung-wu along with Taehyung.

"Leave him alone" Yoongi said as he looked back at the tv.

"THAT DID NO SHIT!" Hyun-wu yelled as he tried to move the girl's hands away. When he moved the girls away he tried to closed the door but it was stopped. Hyun-wu looked down to see a foot there.

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