Part 19

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Yoongi woke up the next day stretching his limbs so that he can get the day started until-

"OW!" A deep voice blurted out, Yoongi looked towards his right to see Taehyung covering his face with his hands.

"S-Sorry" Yoongi quickly said sitting up removing Taehyung's hands from his face.

"Did i hit you hard?"

"Yeah but I'm fine" Taehyung responded sitting up Taehyung then leaned close to Yoongi and-

"Do you want another round?" Taehyung asked getting hit with a pillow.

"S-Shut up! Or I'll tell the others what we did" Yoongi said in embarrassment.

"Alright do it" Taehyung challenged.

"Watch me" Yoongi replied.


"Me and Taehyung had sex" Yoongi blurted out of nowhere as he walked around the mall with his friends.

"What?!" They yelled and quickly looked at Taehyung.

"Well at least now you know that he is mine" Taehyung said with a shrug.

"Wait! Yours?!" Yoongi asked looking at Taehyung.

"What? I did put my self in you~"

"H-Hey!" Yoongi yelled hitting Taehyung's shoulder, Taehyung laughing in response the others still wondering how that fuck did it get to the point to where they will start fucking.

"I did Yoongi so good he called me-"

"Y-Yah! Shut up!" Yoongi yelled as he covered Taehyung's mouth.

"What did he call you?" Thee others asked.

"Daddy~" Taehyung answered once he managed to removed Yoongi's hand for a second. The others looked at Yoongi and at Taehyung shocked. Yoongi was horrified that he told the others that he had called Taehyung daddy. Yoongi then walked away embarrassed, and angry at Taehyung.

Taehyung giggled as he then followed Yoongi leaving the others in shock. Taehyung eventually caught up to Yoongi and back hugged him, placing his head on Yoongi's head.

"Are you made at daddy~" Taehyung teased.

"Stop! I-I'm mad at you"


"Cause you told the others that i called you daddy"

"Well you should start calling me that more often so that they can get use to it" Taehyung said hoping that Yoongi would agree. Yoongi already knew what Taehyung was planning and played along, mentally smirking.

"Okay daddy~ But can you buy me something to eat first? I'm hungry" Yoongi said with a smile as he looked at Taehyung.

"Okay what do you want?"

"Those pretzels" Yoongi said pointing at a small booth.

"Okay" Taehyung said as they both walked towards the pretzel stand. After buying Yoongi his pretzel they both went back to the others who were still standing there shock.

"Guys look what daddy got me" Yoongi said, the others instantly turning to look at Yoongi and Taehyung.

"He just-"

"Called Taehyung-"

"That one kinky word-"

"Taehyung you-"

" Kinky bastard" They each said. Taehyung smiled as he placed his head onto Yoongi's, who was eating his pretzel. Eventually they continued shopping passing by some clothes shops until Yoongi suddenly stopped.

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