Part 48

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Yoongi slowly wakes up to hear faint crying, soon being heard loudly. Yoongi opens his eyes to see Taehyung and the others. Yoongi tried to sit up but Jin quickly but gently pushed him down.

"Don't move so much, relax"

"Relax? Why?" Yoongi asked everyone  looked at each other surprised.

"You dont remember?" Taehyung asked and Yoongi shook his head. Then there was knocking on the door and Hyun-wu walked in with snacks, his face puffy from his endless crying. When Yoongi's and Hyun-wu's eyes met, Yoongi got a sudden flash back of a fight with a blond.



"I was stabbed- H-How long was I out?" Yoongi asked as he still looked at Hyun-wu who looked liked he was gonna cry.

"A-Almost 2 weeks"

"TWO WEEKS!" Yoongi yelled the heart monitor beeping loudly.

"It's okay"

"That kid, where is he?"

"School, students are respecting him for stabbing you, they think he killed you"

"Heh, hehahaha" Yoongi laughed as he cried and broke down, scaring the others besides Hyun-wu, who put the snacks down and walked to Yoongi, hugging him as he comforted him.


"Its okay, I know" Hyun-wu whispered, knowing what Yoongi was going to say yet he said it making Hyun-wu cry.

"I was s-so scared, I-I didn't w-want to leave you g-guys" Yoongi weakly put his arms up and put them around Hyun-wu crying into his shoulder. Everyone silently cried as they tried to wipe away their tears. This continued on until Yoongi calmed down, there was a knock at the door, a doctor and nurse walking in.

"Uh sorry, we were gonna come in earlier, but you guys were having a moment" The doctor explained as he grabbed the clip board from the end of Yoongi's hospital bed while the nurse examined him and his heart monitor.

"According to this and how his health looks like, uh" The doctor stopped half way as he looked at Yoongi's wound, examining it.

"He will stay here for a couple of weeks, if he leaves now his wound will open more, and since it's on the side of his torso it's better if he leaves when it's fully healed" The doctor explained, the others and Yoongi nodded. The doctor and nurse took their leave, everyone then looked at Yoongi.

"You that bastard alive?"

"The blond?"



"He's dead?"

"Yes" Hyun-wu answered. Yoongi looked at the others before looking back at Hyun-wu.

"What about the brother, he said he didn't want to leave that blond alone, so why dont I make his words come true, when I get better" Yoongi told Hyun--wu the others hearing as well.

"Bet everyone is treating him as a king" Yoongi continued, getting a nod from everyone.

"Did you guys go to school? Tell me what happened while i was here"

"Yeah we did go to school, but some kids kept teasing us for being with you, saying that you were weak-"

"I'm not weak, I could kill the whole school if i  wanted, burned it down even, pouring gas all over their bodies as their fles-"

"Yoongi" Hyun-wu whispered as he lightly punched him.

"I know you can, and that your not weak, I have seen it many times before and I'll see it in the future too" Hyun-wu said with a smile. Yoongi nodded and smiled.

"Let's show them what we can do together when we mean business" Hyun-wu's smile turned into a smirk, Yoongi nodded. Soon everyone's stomach growled.

"Have you guys been eating?" Yoongi asked not liking that loud ass growl from everyone. They didn't respond but looked away ashamed.

"You should eat" Yoongi sighed as Hyun-wu got up from the side of the bed and grabbed the bag of snacks, everyone eating, besides Yoongi because a nurse came in with a food tray with hospital food when he was gonna eat the fucken other half of a delicious ass sandwich Hyun-wu was having. Yoongi ate his food with a pout as everyone else ate good food.

After eating they talked for a bit until visiting hours were over. Taehyung kissed Yoongi before leaving, the others hugged Yoongi and left. Hyun-wu was the last to leave and closed the door before waving good bye to Yoongi with a smile.

Once they were gone, Yoongi slowly laid down after removing the pillow that was helping him sit up, he stared at the ceiling until a nurse came in, saying that she was gonna turn off a couple of lights just in case if he wanted to sleep and she quickly left. Yoongi thanked her, and heard the door close.

"So im gonna be here for a couple weeks...this sucks ass, i rather be...i dont know" Yoongi whispered as he pulled the covers up and closed his eyes. He then heard knocking at the door and a male nurse came in.

"Uh, Sorry, I'm just going to check your monitor" He said as he nervously walked in and went towards the monitor. Yoongi closed his eyes and let the guy do his job and soon he left. Yoongi opened his eyes again and looked at the wall that was to his left.

"I cant sleep"

Yoongi looked around the room to find something to do but, there was nothing, Yoongi looked at the small table near him to see if his phone was there but it wasn't.

"What the hell am i gonna do here?! Count how many times the monitor beeps!" Yoongi thought to himself and groaned. But after a couple of minutes.









-Time skip- 

"One thousand twenty four"


"One thousand twenty five"


"One thousand twent-"


"What the hell am I doing?! Whats the fucken time!" Yoongi whispered to himself as he looked around the room for a clock, but there wasn't one.

"What kind of fucken hospital is this!" Yoongi thought as the door opened revealing the female nurse from before.

"Hi, excuse me but what time is it?"

"It's 9am"

"Is- Do you know where my phone is? Did i have it with me when i was brought here"

"I think so, would you like your phone?"



"Alright I'll ask for your belonging bag"

"Thank you"

The nurse did what she did yesterday and left, coming back with a bag with Yoongi's name on it.

"Everything should be here"

"Thank you"

The nurse left, leaving Yoongi alone. He quickly began looking for his phone and pulled it out. He held the power button, the screen lighting up but turned off.


Yoongi tried to turn it on again but it turned off.

Yoongi put his phone in the bag and put the bag on the floor.

"Ugh, why is this happening to me" Yoongi whispered not having anything to do, so he started counting the beeps from the monitor again starting from one.

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