Part 9

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-The Next Day-

Yoongi got up from bed and woke up the others for school, Yoongi slowly got ready while the others were rushing to get ready. The others rushed out the door except for Yoongi and Taehyung.

"Taehyung aren't you going to run to school or something?" Yoongi asked.

"No, I'm going to wait for you"

"Thanks but you don't have to"

"Its okay baby"

"...Get the fuck to school I don't want you baby shit here Tae"


"Yeah your new fucken name"

"Aww let me give you one"

"No go"

"Lets see I'm going to call you Yoongs, Yoonie, baby-"

"Taehyung shut the hell up and go you have ten minutes left"

"So do you!"

"Yeah well i want to get there later"


"Because I want to you have...probably not so good grade but average so that's good"

"So what?"

"So you have to go to school go"


"Fine then you cant stay over tonight like the others are" Yoongi said hoping Taehyung would just go to school already.

"What! No let me stay!" Taehyung asked.

"Okay then go to school then geez!" Yoongi said and Taehyung quickly walked out the door going to school. Yoongi went back to doing what he was doing before and went upstairs to get his backpack and left the house.

When Yoongi arrived at school the teacher didn't say anything. Yoongi sat down in his seat and greeted Hyun-wu. Taehyung started to get really jealous he didn't want yoongi talking to his childhood friend but he also knew that Hyun-wu is like Yoongi's bestfriend brother.

"I don't get it! Why is he with that Hyun-wu guy more than us! Especially me! I'm starting to hate Hyung-wu!" Taehyung thought to himself but was pulled out of his thoughts when the bell ringed. Taehyung looked around to see Yoongi already gone, Taehyung walked out of class and saw Jungkook Taehyung decided to talk to Jungkook until he finds Yoongi.


As soon as the bell ringed Yoongi and Hyun-wu walked out of the classroom and went to the bathroom, they then started tagging in the bathroom stalls after they went outside where they meet a group of girls who wanted to talk to them for a bit so they walked around the hallways.

As Taehyung was walking and talking to Jungkook he spotted Yoongi and Hyun-wu walking and talking to a bunch of girls. Taehyung curled his hands into a fist and walked towards Yoongi, Hyun-wu and the group of girls. Taehyung pushed through the crowd of girls and pushed Hyun-wu away from Yoongi. Yoongi looked at Taehyung confused on why he would Hyun-wu.

"T-Taehyung what the fuck! Why did you push him?!" 

"I'm starting to hate him"

"What the fuck! For what?! What did he do to you?!" Yoongi yelled as he helped Hyun-wu up but was pulled away by Taehyung.

"Taehyung! What are you doing! You weren't like this earlier!" Yoongi yelled but was being dragged away by Taehyung. Yoongi tried to pull his arm away but Taehyung's grip got tighter. 

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