Part 28

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When the car stopped Yoongi instantly looked around the area to see if there was a way to escape as Yoongi was thinking of a plan Axel picked Yoongi up and carried him.

"W-What are you doing! Put me down!" Yoongi yelled.

"No baby~ This is your new home" Axel spoke in a confident voice. Yoongi stopped his yelling and started banging his fist against Axel's back violently. Axel hunched over a bit but then gained his balance again.

"What are you doing bab-"

"Don't call me that! Y-Your dont have the right to! Bitch!"

"And why dont I?" Axel asked as he then locked his front door and walked upstairs.

"Because I don't know who the fuck you are!"

"But I know who you are" Axel spoke as he entered a room and when Yoongi looked around the room he saw a bunch or rope, blind folds, vibrators and more. Yoongi's eyes widened as he was then thrown onto a soft surface.

"You are my future husband and sex slave" Axel said as he slowly hovered over Yoongi. 


Taehyung woke up on the hospital bed, being woken up by Hoseok.

"Your being discharged, but Hyun-wu wants to see you to help him out in saving Yoongi" Hoseok informed Taehyung immediately changing his clothes and running out of his hospital room, running down the stairs and out the hospital. When Taehyung and Hyun-wu met up they made their way towards the address the jocks told Hyun-wu. Once they were there they pretended to be amazed by the house and took a close look at it for cameras while Hyun-wu also looked at the body guards.


As Axel leaned closer for a kiss Yoongi kicked Axel off and jumped off the bed running out of the bedroom door the guards instantly turning their attention to Yoongi and after 2 seconds of staring the guards ran towards Yoongi with open arms, ready to catch him. Yoongi observed their movements and dodged left to right with each guard. Yoongi ran down some stairs before quickly jumping down the rest. Yoongi tried to open the front door but it was locked, Yoongi quickly unlocked it and ran outside but couldn't jump over the fence, if he tried to climb it would take some time. Yoongi looked behind him before hiding behind the car.

As Hyun-wu and Taehyung continued to observe the mansion they saw Yoongi busting out the front door panting as he quickly thought of a way out. Taehyung eyes sparkled as he opened his mouth to yell Yoongi's name but was blocked by Hyun-wu's hand. Hyun-wu then brought Taehyung down to ground level.

"Don't scream for him, you'll make him get captured again this might be out chance to save him" Hyun-wu whispered, Taehyung nodding in response. 

Yoongi peeked his head over the side of the car to see the guards walking back in the mansion. After they closed the door Yoongi crouched his way to the back of the car and noticed two familiar faces from across the street. Yoongi looked for an exit through the gates and as he looked back at the mansion to see if anyone was watching and when he didn't see anyone Yoongi then slowly made his way to the gate and tried to climb over it but then felt arms around his waist. Yoongi instantly tightened his grip on the gate and then wrapped his arms around it.

"Where do you think your going princess~" Axel asked but Yoongi instantly started screaming for his friends, knowing that its only a matter of time before he lets go.

"TAEHYUNG! L.H! HELP HURRY!" Yoongi yelled as he felt Axel pulling on his waist. Taehyung then ran across the street, running towards Yoongi and help above his waist so that if Yoongi let go of the gate Taehyung would hold him back. Hyun-wu then pulled out his hidden knife and cut Axel's arm causing Axel to let go of Yoongi. With Taehyung's help Yoongi climbed the top of the gate and jumped over. Taehyung helped Yoongi up and ran away with him, hand in hand with Hyun-wu behind them.

"Get my husband!" Axel yelled as he pointed his unharmed arm towards the three. Yoongi then pulled Taehyung into an ally way and climbed up the ladder as Hyun-wu followed. When on the roof They instantly crouched their way onto a balcony on the other side of the building and waited. After a while Yoongi turned around to hear knocking on the window behind them and saw a little girl. Yoongi smiled at the little girl and waved, the little girl then waved back with a smile before running into a hallway pulling someone behind her to reveal her mother. Yoongi stopped smiling and pretended he didn't see then until there was another knock. When the three turned they saw the mother who then opened her window.

"What are you doing! Why are you up here-" Before the mother could continue her yelling Hyun-wu put his hand over the woman's mouth and went inside her home Taehyung, and Yoongi following behind. When Yoongi closed the window Hyun-wu removed his hand from the lady.

"What are you going to do! Are you going to hurt us!" The woman yelled. Yoongi looked at the lady and shook his head.

"No, there is this crazy man who is trying to make me his s-" Before Yoongi continued he looked down at the little girl.

"Can I tell you some where private i dont want to say it in front of your daughter" Yoongi asked and the woman slowly agreed. Once they were in a more private area Yoongi explained.

"There is this crazy bastard named Axel who is trying to make me his husband and sex slave after he kidnapped me and hurt my friends, I got away thanks to my two friends but that crazy fucker is outside looking for us right now so we climbed the ladder came on the roof and jumped onto a random balcony. Sorry if we frightened you ma'am but can we stay until he's gone?" Yoongi asked. The lady then put her guard down and smiled sincerely.

"Oh my- Im sorry for yelling at you dear. Yes you can stay, if you like i can drive you back to your home and put a police report for you" The lady insisted.

"Thank you, but I'll do the report my self" Yoongi lied. The lady nodded and went back into the living room. When Yoongi looked up from the ground he saw Taehyung playing with the little girl. Yoongi smiled as he sat down on the couch after the lady offered. When the sun went down and the moon came up the lady told the three boys that she'll drive them home. The three agreed and cautiously followed the lady and her daughter to her car and went in. Once they were home Taehyung unlocked his door and closed it after Yoongi and Hyun-wu were in.

"Get ready for bed I'll lock up" Hyun-wu said as he locked the doors and windows. Yoongi and Taehyung nodded and left to the other room to take a shower and to change their clothes for bed. After locking up Hyun-wu turned off all the lights and closed all the curtains , he then laid down on the couch falling asleep. When Yoongi walked out of Taehyung's bedroom he grabbed an extra blanket from the closet near the bathroom and placed it over Hyun-wu. After Yoongi made his way back in Taehyung's room, closing the door behind him and laid down in Taehyung's bed. Taehyung then tightly wrapped his arms around Yoongi's body and held him close.

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