Part 2

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After class Yoongi quickly got up and walked out of the classroom with his backpack on his shoulder until...

"Hey Yoongi!"

"Yoongi? Who the fuck is that?"

"No I'm not Yoongi I-I'm uh -uh bitch you better fuck off"

"Well then that's a weird name" 

"Its not a fucken name"

"Then what is it?"

"Its a fucken damn signal that tells you to fuck off, to leave me alone"

"Well then that will never happen"

"And why the fuck not?"

"Cause I want to fuck you hard and good until your sore" Taehyung said and Yoongi stopped walking, every one in the halls turned around to face Yoongi and Taehyung with mouths wide opened by what they heard. Yoongi slowly turned around and looked at Taehyung.

"What the fuck did I just hear?"

"I said that I want to fuck you hard until you cant move" Taehyung said walking closer to Yoongi and at this point the students around them got their phones out already recording the scene.

" I am just going to walk the fuck away and pretend that I didn't hear shit" Yoongi said while actually walking away.

"You just playing hard to get will make me want you more!"

"Then don't!" Yoongi yelled back from the end of the hallway. Taehyung then walked away with a smirk and now that this finished the students who were basiclly everyone who was recording instantly uploaded the video onto the internet and their social media.

-The next day- 

When Yoongi arrived at school a bunch of students looked up from their phones then looked at Yoongi and then started whispering things to the student next to them. Yoongi walked to class and sat at the corner like the day before then Yoongi's phone vibrated. Yoongi ignored it until it vibrated again and when Yoongi opened his phone he saw a video of him and Taehyung. Yoongi played the video until the first second of the video started, Yoongi put his phone back in his pocket and leaned in his chair frustrated because the video of yesterdays event is now on the internet.

"Hey there beautiful"

"Go away"


"Just go away I don't want to see you after you had ruined my life on the very first fucken day of school"


"Do you not have a damn phone?!"

"Hmmmmmm No"

"Oh my- Here you see this!" Yoongi said almost yelling while throwing his phone at Taehyung. Taehyung saw the video and played it.

"Oh this is when i wanted to-"

"I know what you wanted to fucken do which will never fucken happen but you don't have to repeat yourself!" Yoongi yelled and grabbed his phone from Taehyung and stood up walking towards the classroom door until it opened.

" Oh hey It's Taehyung's soon to be boyfri-"

"Shut the fuck up before I kick your ass!" Yoongi said and walked out of the classroom hitting the kids shoulder while doing so. Taehyung then stood up and followed Yoongi.

After following Yoongi for a while Taehyung saw Yoongi sitting down on the grass under a tree just to quickly stand up.
"Fucken hell!" Yoongi yelled out, Taehyung then walked over to Yoongi.

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