Part 23

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-At Taehyung's house-

Yoongi woke up in Taehyung's bed and when he looked to his right Taehyung was asleep. Yoongi smiled and slowly but quietly got out of bed needing to pee as he endured his painful walk to the bathroom until-

"Yoongi, why are you walking when you know it hurts?" Yoongi turned around to see Taehyung with a serious face that he has never seen before which kind of scared him.

"U-Uh to the bathroom"

"Why are you walking over there"


"Answer me"


"I could have carried you" Taehyung said as he got out of bed walking towards Yoongi.

"S-Shit" Yoongi thought to himself as Taehyung came closer and carried him to the bathroom. Taehyung then walked outside to let Yoongi use the bathroom. After Yoongi was done Taehyung then carried him to the living room.


"What do you want to eat?"

"A-Anythings fine" Yoongi stuttered. Taehyung nodded and went into the kitchen. Yoongi suddenly felt nervous around Taehyung. Yoongi was pulled out of thought when he heard Taehyung coming back with ramen.

"I'll go to the store later to buy more food" Taehyung said as he gave Yoongi his ramen. After eating Taehyung got ready to go to the store when Yoongi came up behind him.

"Can I go with you?" Yoongi asked.

"No stay here" Taehyung said as he went out. Yoongi stood at the door for a few minutes until he went back to the couch and called Hyun-wu.


"Hey can I come over or something I'm bored"

"Sure our moms not here they went out shopping and wont be back for a while" 

"Alright come get me"

"Alright" Hyun-wu said before ending the call. 

Later there was a knock on the door and when Yoongi opened it Hyun-wu was there. Yoongi locked up the house and left with Hyun-wu. When Yoongi got to Hyun-wu's shared house he sat down on the couch.

"So  why are you limping?" Hyun-wu asked.

"Oh I got hurt but I'm fine" Yoongi answered, Hyun-wu nodded and played music on the speaker he had. After spending so much time with Hyun-wu Yoongi didn't know what time it was and when he and Hyun-wu were going to play the next song there was knocking at the front door. Hyun-wu opened the front door to see Taehyung.

"Hi Taehyung"

"Hey, is Yoongi here"

"Yep we were listening to music" Hyun-wu said with a smile as he let Taehyung in. Taehyung walked in and went towards Yoongi.

"Hi Taehyung-"

"Lets go home your mom might come back" Taehyung said Yoongi remembering that he didn't want to let his mom know about his wound. Yoongi nodded and left with Taehyung after saying goodbye to Hyun-wu. When Yoongi and Taehyung arrived back home Taehyung sat down on the couch.

"Yoongi you should have told me that you were going to be with Hyun-wu"

"Sorry but i lost track of time and was gonna come back"

"Its fine but tell me next time" 

"Alright just tell me next time" Taehyung said softly.

"WHAT THE FUCK HOW DID HE GO FROM SCARY TO CARING?" Yoongi thought to himself.

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