Part 49

499 21 3

Yoongi was counting the beeps from the monitor and was on number 45 until the door suddenly opened, revealing Taehyung and Hyun-wu. Yoongi instantly smiled and greeted them they pulled up a chair and sat down near Yoongi's hospital bed.

"How have you been?" Taehyung asked and noticed that Yoongi's smiled disappeared.



"It was that bad-" Before Hyun-wu could finish Yoongi began talking.


"What about your phone?"

"Its dead!" Yoongi answer.

"Would you like me to-"

"Bring my charger yes" Yoongi interrupted. Taehyung laughed as he then continued what he was saying earlier.

"Or would you like me to stay with you"


"Yes or no?"

"Only if you  dont try anything" 

"Yes! I'll go ask if it okay" Taehyung replied leaving to go ask Yoongi's doctor if he could stay. Hyun-wu sighed and began talking.

"Hopefully you get better soon, that kid is acting all tough and mighty with the other students and is taking it to far"

"How bad?"

"Threats to girls to date him or their close friends or people they know die, forces himself on girls, bullies some of the kids who are freshmen and others who are timid" Hyun-wu answered which gave Yoongi a clear picture of whats going on at school and Yoongi guessed the teachers weren't doing shit.

"I see... I'll try to be discharged as soon as possi-"

"No, you should get rest until your fully recovered"

Hyun-wu quickly cut in, Yoongi didn't say anything back knowing that he was still weak in this state. Soon Taehyung came back and told Yoongi that the doctor let him stay only if they aren't loud.

"Hyun-wu try to help as much freshmen or people at school as possible until I get back. Hyun-wu nodded. After talking for a bit Hyun-wu left to go back to school while Taehyung stayed with Yoongi.


When Hyun-wu go to school he saw one of the  blonde's friend's ganging up on a timid boy. Hyun-wu quickly pushed the two away from the scared boy and pulled out his knives.

"Leave before I give you a quick end"

The two boys left, rolling their eyes, once they were out of sight Hyun-wu put the knives in his bag and helped the timid boy up.

"Are you okay?"


"That's good, if they bother you again tell me alright, oh and if you see them messing with anyone else come tell me"

The boy nodded, Hyun-wu noticed a small spark of hope in the boy's eyes before he thanked him and walked away. Hyun-wu smiled to himself and went to class. Hyun-wu spent the whole day, skipping class so that he can walk around the school making sure no one was being pushed around, everything seemed good until Hyun-wu heard running coming from behind. Hyun-wu moved to the right when that person got close, and saw them fly into the air before falling. Hyun-wu pulled out his knife and placed his foot onto their back.

"What were you trying to do" Hyun-wu asked, but they didn't respond.

"Did that stupid king send you"

"Dont call him stupid"

"He is for sending you" Hyun-wu said as he held the knife tip against the boy and slowly pressed down.

"W-Wait do you want me to give him a message!"

"Hmmm yes"

"What is it!"

"Tell him to fuck off and to stop his shit or else" Hyun-wu said as he removed his knife and foot from the boy and walked away. Hyun-wu didn't find anyone in trouble so we went to class and texted Taehyung during class that he helped one kid but couldn't find anymore that were being pushed around. Taehyung sent an okay and told Hyun-wu to keep a look out until Yoongi got better.

When king of stupid got the message from the boy he smiled knowing that Hyun-wu couldn't do anything know that Yoongi was gone so thought he was all talk but no action.

What do you think will happen to freaken king stupid? lol


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