Part 58

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Do-won decided to get a ticket to Tokyo and wait there for a week to see what happens next, but nothing happened. Do-won slowly but eventually forgot about the fight and wanted to enjoy himself so he got ready and stepped out of his apartment and walked outside the building. But once he did he was shot in the head, people around him screaming as they ran.

Hyun-wu then turned around and called Yoongi.

"It's done"


"I'll come back so enjoy your day"

"Alright by"  Yoongi replied as he ended the phone call. Taehyung then returned with cotton candy.

"Here I got one for each of us" Yoongi thanked Taehyung as they began walking around.


Yoongi and Tahyung returned home late at night, Taehyung unlocked the door and helped a very tired Yoongi inside. Taehyung helped Yoongi get ready for bed as he did the same.



"Did you have fun?"


"I'm glad"


"Because, go to sleep" Taehyung replied as he hugged Yoongi. The next morning Yoongi woke up to his phone ringing.


"Hey Yoongi!"

"Hey Jimin...uhhhh did you need something?"

"Were you asleep?"


"Then I'll make this quick"


"Let's go drinking tomorrow, you have no choice see you later!" Jimin said happily as he quickly ended the call. Yoongi tried to process everything and went back to sleep until he heard the bedroom dorr open, knowing that Taehyung was going to wake him up.

"Awww look at you"

"I'm going out later-"


"Errrrr...where was- oh Jimin wanted to go somewhere but i dont remember where"

"Oh alright then try to come early though"

"Alright" Yoongi replied as he was going to walk to the bathroom but was stopped by Taehyung.

"What are you doing?"

"Lets shower together!"


"Yeah? Okay go" TAehyung continued before Yoongi even replied.

"Wait!" Taehyung then closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower and got in with Yoongi. After their shower Yoongi changed into his clothes even though Taehyung tried to dress him in thigh highs and what nots. when it was time Yoongi left the house after saying bye to Taehyung and texted Jimin, asking where to meet and went t the bar knowing where it was at. When Yoongi got to the bar he saw Jimin waiting outside and met up with him.



"Lets go in and have some fun"

"Alright" Jimin replied and followed Yoongi inside, they walked up to the counter and sat down.

"Hey M.Y it's been a while, you want the usual?" The bartender asked and Yoongi nodded.

"Also get one for my friend "

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