Part 44

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The next day Yoongi woke up to hear people talking outside, but it sounded faint. Yoongi immediately noticed  Taehyung who was asleep, Yoongi woke Taehyung tapping his arm.  

"Taehyung" Yoongi softly whispered and continued tapping Taehyung's arm until he woke up.

"Oh, Yoongi, how do you feel?" Taehyung asked in an relived tone.

"Im okay"

"Do you still remember what you did" Taehyung asked as Yoongi looked away softly repeating 'What I did?' until he remembered beating those girl before passing out.

"Ehhhhhh, yeah" Yoongi replied. The noise outside suddenly became quiet. When Yoongi was going to ask why it got so quiet sudden loud talking and yelling cam be heard from right out side the door. Hyun-wu then woke up to the sudden loud noise and looked around the room in a panic. Yoongi slowly felt a headache kicking in and got up from the bed and unlocked the door and slammed it open.

"Can you shut the fuck up!" Yoongi yelled, he then looked up to see almost the whole entire school. It was quite it for a moment before every one left screaming and crying.

"What the fuck is their problem?" Yoongi asked as he then closed the door.

"Almost the entire school saw what happened" Taehyung spoke up as he got up and hugged Yoongi.

" Hey Hyun-wu are you okay?" Yoongi asked, getting out of Taehyung's hold.

"Besides being pushed by you when you were gonna murder those girls, im fine, and thanks for that" 

"For beating some girls or pushing you?"

"Both actually" Hyun-wu said with a smile.

"Well time to go to class" Taehyung said as he began stretching his arms. Taehyung grabbed both his and Yoongi's school bag while Hyun-wu grabbed his own.

When they got to class everyone looked at Yoongi with fear. Some to afraid to look at him.

"Hey" Yoongi spoke up, every one flinching. Yoongi sighed but mentally smirked, missing this feeling of being fear by all.

"As long as you dont get in my way or mess with us, you'll be okay"

When Yoongi said this every one relaxed and Yoongi smirked.

"Do the opposite, I'll cut your throat open and burn your body"

Every one then stiffen as Yoongi walked to his seat. The class was quiet, so quiet that it was made Yoongi remember how everyone acted towards him and Hyun-wu before he met Taehyung. Yoongi closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head, loving the power of being in control. Slowly missing the times where, he and Hyun-wu would fight all the kids who tried to pick a fight with them. How the teachers would slowly fear them. Yoongi began missing those times, so much he felt like crying. But didn't when he felt a pair of lips against his own. Yoongi opened his eyes to see Taehyung looking straight into his eyes while kissing him. Yoongi's eyes widened as Taehyung put his tongue in Yoongi's mouth with force. Yoongi tried to push Taehyung off as he felt like he was slowly being suffocated and eventually began patting Taehyung's arm as fast as he could until Taehyung finally moved away.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" Yoongi asked out of breath. Taehyung licked his lips and lifted up Yoongi's chin, the two looking each other. Taehyung then moved closer to Yoongi's ear and whispered,

"Seeing you in pain like that turns me on"

Yoongi froze and looked away.

"Yeah right" Yoongi mumbled but it was loud enough for Taehyung to hear. Taehyung smirked, and couldn't wait to get home. Yoongi looked around the classroom starting to get bored until the classroom door slammed open.

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