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"We're here! Now let's go have some fun!" Jimin exclaimed as he dragged Hyun-wu along with him as Yoongi tagged along with him.

"I want to go home" Hyun-wu said as Jimin dragged him into the mall, all the different stores inside coming to view.
"So where are we going to go to first?" Yoongi asked Jimin who grabbed onto the back of Hyun-wu's shirt as he was trying to walk away.

"Let's see" Jimin said as he took a good look at Hyun-wu. "Let's get his hair cut, it's a bit longer now than when we first met him" Jimin pointed out. "Huh? But I like my hair, I don't see anything wrong with it" Hyun-wu replied. "Just let him do his thing" Yoongi replied in slight amusement as they all went to a hair salon that was in the mall. After waiting for a while they sat Hyun-wu in the chair and the stylist buttoned the drape over Hyun-wu's body. Jimin pulled the stylist to the side to tell them what hair style to give Hyun-wu.

Hyun-wu couldn't hear what Jimin was saying but saw Yoongi smiling in amusement. "Oh man..." Hyun-wu whispered to himself as he prepared himself mentally for how this might go. The hair stylist returned and instructed Hyun-wu to stand up and to walk over to a different chair so that they could wash his hair first. After having his hair washed and dried with a towel the stylist led Hyun-wu back to the chair and began to brush his hair, after he felt his hair being clamped up. "Here we go" Hyun-wu thought to himself as he could feel the ticklish sensation of his hair being shaved at the nape of his neck.

Hyun-wu avoided looking into the mirror as the stylist looked at his hair, he kind of wanted to be surprised by the results. "Alright now I'm going to dye your hair to white" The stylist spoke as they continued to brush and cut at Hyun-wu's hair. "What? Actually?" Hyun-wu asked surprised. "I'm kidding, your friend over there told me to trick you" the stylist laughed as he motioned to Jimin who was smiling as he saw Hyun-wu's reaction. "It would take a while to actually do that" the stylist continued as they then began to blow dry Hyun-wu's hair.

After the stylist began to style Hyun-wu's hair and finally finished. "Alright how do you feel?" The stylist asked as they turned Hyun-wu to the mirror at a angle so that he could see the from and side of his hair cut. "Oh wow that looks amazing" Hyun-wu replied as he saw how he looked in the mirror with the hairstyle Jimin chose.

 "Oh wow that looks amazing" Hyun-wu replied as he saw how he looked in the mirror with the hairstyle Jimin chose

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(This is how Hyun-wu's new haircut looks like)

"It really suits you" the stylist replied as they unbuttoned the drap and moved it off of Hyun-wu who then stood up and walked over to Yoongi and Jimin and he couldn't help but smile. "Ah, I'm glad you like it" Jimin laughed as he noticed how Hyun-wu was smiling. Jimin then walked away and went to pay for the hair cuts and they left the salon.

"Now then let get you some new clothes" Jimin replied as he walked in front of Yoongi and Hyun-wu, deciding what clothing store to go into as they walked by different shops. "Let's go in this one" Jimin said as he walked into a clothing shop. "Ehm, I don't know, this place looks expensive" Hyun-wu replied as he walked to a random clothing rack and looked at a price tag on one piece of clothing and saw $68.00 which he walked away from. "Jimin this is all expensive, I can't let you offer to buy me clothes especially in a place this expensive" Hyun-wu said walking up to Jimin who raise a shirt up to his chest. "It's fine don't worry about it" Jimin replied. Hyun-wu looked at Yoongi who just shrugged in response and looked around even though he wasn't going to buy anything himself.

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