Part 31

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The next morning Yoongi was woken up by Taehyung who was playing with his hair.

"Good morning baby" Taehyung said in a raspy voice with a smile on his face.

"Good morning" Yoongi said until Taehyung make an expression asking if he forgot something.

"Daddy" Yoongi continued as his cheeks slowly turned red. Taehyung smiled and got out of bed completely naked. Yoongi stayed in bed with a blanket over his body until Taehyung pulled it away. Yoongi covered himself with his arms but Taehyung then carried Yoongi into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?!" Yoongi asked as he quickly wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck.

"We are going to take a shower"

"T-The both of us?!"

"Yeah" Taehyung spoke as he kissed Yoongi's cheek. When in the bathroom Taehyung placed Yoongi on the sink and started the water, Yoongi was going to get off the sink but Taehyung told him not to. After running the water Taehyung entered the shower with Yoongi. Taehyung grabbed the shampoo bottle and poured some on to Yoongi's head, then rubbed his hands against Yoongi's head. After their shower Taehyung carried Yoongi to the bed. Taehyung then walked towards on of the bags from yesterday.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked, still wrapped in the towel Taehyung put around him.

"I'm picking your clothes"

"But that's the bag with the girl stuff you bou-" Before Yoongi finished, that when it hit him.

"Tae- Daddy!"


"Your not gonna make me wear that to school, right?"

"I am"


"Nope, your gonna sit on my lap during class to" Taehyung said as he choses red panties, white  thigh high socks, and a black mini skirt, Taehyung then went to his closet and pulled out one of his black shirts and red sweaters, he then put the clothes next to Yoongi.

"Change while I look for my clothes" Taehyung said as he turned back to his closet. Yoongi stared at his clothes before removing his towel and grabbing the panties, putting then on. After he put on the stockings, skirt and shirt. Yoongi put on the sweater, but it was then removed. Yoongi turned around and saw Taehyung.

"Why did you take it off?"

"I want it around your waist so that no one will try to look under" Taehyung said as he wrapped the sweater around Yoongi's waist. Taehyung was wearing black pants, white shirt and a red sweater as well. 

"Oh wait I almost forgot" Taehyung said as he grabbed the black collar and put it around Yoongi's neck.

"Why do I have to wear this?" 

"Because" Taehyung answered as he walked to the front door putting on his shoes, Yoongi following behind him. After grabbing their backpacks they walked to school, again Yoongi feeling stares from other males, some from the girls around him until a girl bumped into Yoongi on purpose.

"Hey! Watch where your going" Yoongi said but when the girl looked up Yoongi knew who it was instantly, the girl who he absolutely despised, the girl who tried to fuck Yoongi over, Soo-Yeon. 

(I made the name up) 

"Well look who it is~"

"Fuck off, bitch" Yoongi said angrily, forgetting that Taehyung was right there next to him.

"I see your dressed as a faggot-" Before Soo-yeon could continue she earned a punch from Yoongi, causing her to fall on the ground.

"The only faggot here is you. Since you lost your virginity in 6th grade" Yoongi said, Soo-yeon's friends, disgusted by what they heard, and Yoongi noticed.

"She lost it to a rich boy in the school, she was fucken desperate for god knows what and followed that kid into the janitor's room-" Before Yoongi finished Soo-yeon pulled off the sweater that was wrapped around his waist. 

"Give it back" Yoongi spoke in a manner that was completely different, Taehyung instantly recognizing it from when Jason attacked Yoongi's House.

"What if I dont want to~ I think I want to keep it~" Soo-yeon said as she stood up and unfolded the sweater, ready to put it on. Taehyung saw Yoongi's facial expression, the same one when he said that he was going to kill Jason as soon as Taehyung left with his mother.


"Soo-yeon, give it back or else" Yoongi said as he slowly walked towards her.

"Nope! Maybe I should also take that boy next to you~"

Yoongi had enough and was going to reach into his backpack until Taehyung quickly wrapped his arms around Yoongi, which held Yoongi's arms down so that he couldn't move.

"Let me go!" Yoongi yelled as he struggled to get away.

"I suggest that you give the sweater back, for your safety" Taehyung said which made Soo-yeon reach her hand out to hand over the sweater until she turned around and walked away with her friends, taking the sweater with her. Taehyung used one arm to hold Yoongi, while his hand went into his pocket pressing a button that was for Yoongi's collar. Yoongi instantly felt his neck being shocked, which caused him to yell as he then fell to the ground on his knees eyes watery. Taehyung removed his hand from his pocket and carried Yoongi bridal style after removing his jacket and wrapping it around Yoongi's waist. Taehyung went into the boys bathroom placing Yoongi on the counter wiping his tears with his thumb.

"Take it off" Yoongi said as he tried taking the collar off.



"Because I want it on you all the time"

"For what"

"For something like this as an example, you were going to stab her weren't you" Taehyung whispered in Yoongi's ear, just in case someone else was in the restroom with them.

"Answer me"

"Yes" Yoongi replied. Taehyung ruffled Yoongi's hair and took him off the counter.

"Try not to do that, anyways lets get to class" Taehyung said as he walked out of the bathroom holding Yoongi's hand. When they got to class Taehyung sat down in his seat but noticed that Yoongi was going to sit down in his original seat.



"Your sitting on my lap now remember"

"For just this class right?" Yoongi asked.

"No" Taehyung said patting his lap telling Yoongi to sit there. Yoongi then walked to Taehyung and sat down on his lap. Taehyung then pulled Yoongi closer to his chest and rest his head on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi then noticed Hyun-wu staring, faced plastered with confusion.

"What the fuck?" Hyun-wu mouthed at Yoongi. In return Yoongi shrugged. Yoongi could tell that Hyun-wu thought about something before smirking at Yoongi.

"Is he making you call him daddy?" Hyun-wu mouthed again and Yoongi nodded in response. Hyun-wu then burst out in laughter hitting the his desk until the teacher walked in.

"All right, I know you probably wont care but we have a transfer student" The teacher said as he eyed Yoongi and Hyun-wu not giving two shits that Yoongi was now dressed in a shirt and is sitting on Taehyung's lap.

"Welcome her and- just come in already" The teacher said throwing away his last fuck about his job and sat down. The classroom door opened but Yoongi didn't care and was using his phone until Hyun-wu suddenly threw his backpack in Yoongi's seat, then putting his legs on it from his own seat, which was very uncomfortable.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Yoongi asked looking up from his phone to see Hyun-wu in a stupid position as if he was trying to jump over desks.

"Look! At the front of the class!" Hyun-wu whispered. Yoongi looked up to see


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