Part 22

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When Yoongi and Taehyung got back home Yoongi slowly sat down on the couch feeling  his wounds stinging in an unbearable way. When Yoongi finally sat down he had tears rolling down his face.

"That took you about five minutes-"

"SHUT UP! IT HURTS! Even being stabbed so many times it stull hurts..."

"How many?"

"My first one was probably in elementary when middle schoolers would pick on us"

"Up until now?"


"How can you bear it, a small paper cut makes me cry while your getting stabbed, like a knife through your skin"

"Ha! Weak"

"Am not cause I'm top and your bottom~"

"YAH SHUT UP-" Before Yoongi could finish he started to break down in tears.

"Yoongi are you okay, want to go to the hospital-"

"N-No I'm good" Yoongi said as he held his stomach where his wound was. Taehyung didn't like seeing Yoongi like this so he called Jin, asking his to drive them to the hospital but to not tell Yoongi's mother.

When Jin arrived at Taehyung's house he texted Taehyung telling him that he was there. Taehyung then gently picked Yoongi up, holding his bridal style .

"W-What are you doing!"

"Going to get you to a hospital"

"What! No! I said I was- Ahh-"

"I wont take no as answer" Taehyung spoke as he grabbed his house keys and carried Yoongi to Jin's car.

-At the hospital-

 After Jin dropped Yoongi and Taehyung off at the hospital he returned home to finish watching his favorite show. Master chief. Taehyung carried Yoongi into the hospital and doctors instantly came taking Yoongi away to treat him. Taehyung sat down in the waiting room after telling the lady at the front desk Yoongi's name. About half an hour later Yoongi came out of a room walking slowly as he limped.

"Is it serious?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi was going to replied with a simple yes until he got an idea-

"I-It hurts a lot daddy, can you carry me?" Yoongi asked as tears formed because the wound did hurt especially since he was trying to walk. Taehyung blushed and looked around to see people staring.

"Okay, okay but dont cry" Taehyung said now wanting to leave. Taehyung called a cab and went back home with Yoongi. When they entered the house Yoongi sat down on the couch sighing in relief. 



"Why did you suddenly called me daddy"

"...You told me to call you daddy all the time and i just remembered" Yoongi explained half true. Taehyung couldn't argue so he sat down next to Yoongi.

"Are you hun-"

"The doctors told me not to eat today but tomorrow in the afternoon if can" Yoongi interrupted.

"Okay i wont eat then" Taehyung replied.


"Cause you cant eat, and i dont want to eat in front of you, it'll make me feel bad"

"Wow, thanks" Yoongi said with a small smile. Taehyung smiled and turned on the tv to show the movie that they were watching before.

"Should we watch another mo-"

"Let's go to sleep" Yoongi yawned.

"But I dont-"

"Okay you watch another movie while i sleep" Yoongi said as he laid his head on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung didn't want to make Yoongi sit up again so he used Netflix and watched a movie but the whole time Taehyung stared at Yoongi sleeping as he played with his hair. 

"Man only if you weren't injured, i would have done you already-"




And there was a lot of mental panic and screams.

Master chief .

When Taehyung entered the hospital he told the lady at the front desk that Yoongi had gotten in a fight and received these wounds the nurse nodded and called a doctor over to take a look at Yoongi's cuts. After looking at the cuts and treating them the doctor suggested that Yoongi stayed in the hospital for a couple of days or weeks. Yoongi of course refused as much as he could but Taehyung said that it would be okay if he could stay. The doctor said yes not seeing a problem with Taehyung staying over with Yoongi and left.

"Why did you bring me here when i said not to?"

"I'm not gonna be a jerk and let you try to endure the pain" Taehyung said as he sat down on the hospital bed next to Yoongi.

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