Part 45

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Yoongi was walking home and when he opened the door and closed it he took off his shoes. After yawning Yoongi was suddenly tackled to the ground his clothes being ripped off. Taehyung got Yoongi naked and instantly tied Yoongi up. Taehyung grabbed Yoongi and threw him onto the bed face first, his ass up in the air. Taehyung smirked as he took off his own clothes. Yoongi realized what was happening and rolled to the side almost falling of the bed but Taehyung held one of the straps that were around his body.

"Where are you going~"

"S-Some where"


"Away from you! Bitch your tying me up! I dont like it!"

"You dont like it"

"No, it feels fucken weird, get me out of this!" Yoongi yelled as he waited for Taehyung to reply.



"After we are done" Taehyung replied as he positioned Yoongi back to the middle of the bed away from the sides. Yoongi's eyes widened as he tried to get out but the straps were tied tightly, not allowing Yoongi to move any limbs. Taehyung hovered over Yoongi and placed his hand on Yoongi's dick as he began kissing his neck.

"Wait wait wait!"

"What is it"

"Wouldn't it be better if um i wasn't tied up?" Yoongi suggested planning to make a break for it after.

"No this is fine" Taehyung replied as he used his other hand to finger Yoongi. Taehyung then stopped kissing Yoongi as added another finger. Yoongi winced a the slight pain he was feeling, Taehyung continued to add another finger as he then noticed Yoongi's body shaking a bit.

"Are you at your limit" Taehyung asked as he heard a small yes. Taehyung hummed as he shoved his finger in Yoongi causing him to yell, Taehyung moved his fingers until he heard Yoongi let out a small moan as he began panting. Taehyung took his fingers out and shoved his dick into Yoongi causing him to let out a loud moan. Taehyung smiled as he slowly started moving. Yoongi's pain became unbearable so tears slowly began to form. Taehyung hovered over Yoongi and leaned close to his ear.

"Call for daddy~" Taehyung whispered in a deep tone as he put his dick in deeper. Yoongi let out a moan as he winced in pain.


"Keep going" Taehyung said as he thrusted in Yoongi in a fast pace. When hearing Yoongi moaning out for him, Taehyung felt so turned on and eventually came. Yoongi was panting as he already felt weak. Taehyung undid the straps that were holding Yoongi down and threw them somewhere in the room. Taehyung flipped Yoongi over, the two facing each other. 

"I never said to stop" Taehyung whispered as he looked at Yoongi before shoving his dick inside him again. Yoongi flinched and tightly gripped the bed sheets, tears forming in his eyes. Taehyung noticed and kissed Yoongi as he began thrusting in him. Yoongi moaned during the kiss as Taehyung's tongue explored his mouth, Taehyung broke the kiss and began leaving hickies on Yoongi's neck, Taehyung pulled out as he was slowly going down Yoongi's body leaving him marks. Yoongi felt Taehyung going down to his thighs and closed his legs embarrassed.

"Open your legs" Taehyung said as he looked at Yoongi earning a 'no' in response. Taehyung placed his hands on Yoongi's knees and forcefully opened his legs, Yoongi threw his head back in pain from Taehyung going in him to deep and fast. Taehyung placed his lips onto Yoongi's soft thighs and bit him. Yoongi bit his lips as Taehyung bit his other thigh, Taehyung then licked the bite mark and put his dick into Yoongi again. Taehyung kissed Yoongi as he thrusted in him deeply.

"Call for me baby~"

"Da-Daddy!" Yoongi yelled as Taehyung thrusted into him deeper.

"I-I cant-" Before Yoongi finished he came and panted trying to catch his breath. Taehyung told Yoongi to keep calling for him and Yoongi did and soon felt Taehyung cumming inside him.

"Yoongi" Taehyung called but continued knowing that Yoongi was listening.

"When we are outside, I want you to call me Hyung"

"H-Hyung?" Yoongi breathed out trying to stay awake.

"Yeah, call  me daddy or hyung, okay baby~" Taehyung asked as he hovered over Yoongi, playing with his hair.

"O-Okay daddy"

"Good boy" Taehyung hummed as Yoongi slowly fell asleep, Taehyung then laid down next to Yoongi and fell asleep as he heard Yoongi's soft breaths.

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