Part 24

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When Yoongi went back to class the teacher didn't ask any questions as usual and left Yoongi alone. Yoongi sat down in his seat which was next to Taehyung. "Maybe its nothing" Yoongi thought to himself feeling Taehyung's gaze on him. Yoongi ignored Taehyung's gaze until he felt Taehyung's hand on his leg. Yoongi looked at Taehyung and removed his hand only for Taehyung to put his hand back on Yoongi but this time with a tighter grip. 

"Taeh-hyung stop it" Yoongi whispered, Taehyung did let go and acted as if nothing happened.


When the lunch bell rang Yoongi quickly walked out of class, he jumped the school gate and hid behind a building. Yoongi called Hyun-wu telling him to meet him at the park. Yoongi then put away his phone sighing he then made his way to the park. As Yoongi was walking to the park he heard footsteps behind him. Yoongi positioned his backpack in a way where he could easily pull out his knife. Yoongi walked in a different direction away from the park to see if he was actually being followed. After turning some corners Yoongi knew for sure that he was being followed. Yoongi kept walking until he quickly turned around with his knife out only to see Taehyung not moving.

"T-Taehyung what are you doing?" Yoongi asked putting away his knife.

"I should be asking you that" Taehyung said as he walked closer to Yoongi reaching for his hand.

"I was gonna meet up with Hyun-wu" yoongi replied moving his hand away. Taehyung noticed and squinted his eyes at Yoongi. Taehyung reached for Yoongi's hand again but Yoongi moved away, slowly walking backwards away from Taehyung. Taehyung then walked towards Yoongi but stopped when Yoongi started running. Taehyung then chased after Yoongi. Yoongi kept running until he looked back to see a fucken scary ass Taehyung running towards him fast, Yoongi started sprinting for his life not wanting Taehyung to catch him. Yoongi tried running faster but when he did he fell face first, his legs bending forward his body looking like a backwards C. Yoongi stayed on the floor but when he tried to get up he started to cry his whole body hurting. Yoongi stayed on the floor crying until he heard Taehyung's foot steps coming closer until they stopped.

"Yoongi! Are you okay!" Yoongi heard Taehyung ask. Yoongi continued to cry on the floor as Taehyung gently tried to help him up but Yoongi just fell back down, Taehyung then gently carried Yoongi bridal style and took him back home. When Taehyung arrived back home he laid Yoongi on his bed, Yoongi still crying Taehyung came back to the room with some ice and tried to put it on Yoongi but he refused.

"Yoongi you have to put ice so that it can get better"

"n-no" Yoongi said as a few more tears rolled down is face. Taehyung used his sweater and wiped Yoongi's tears.

"Okay but dont cry" Taehyung said softly as he played with Yoongi's hair seeing him slowly go off to sleep.

"Why do you always get hurt?" Taehyung whispered as he continued to play with Yoongi's hair.

Later Yoongi woke up in Taehyung's arms but couldn't move but when he tried it hurt.

"Yoongi" Taehyung whispered.


"I'm going to punish you " Taehyung said as he gently pulled Yoongi closer to his body.

"BODY! DONT FUCKEN HEAL! OR ESLE IM FUCKED LITERALY!" Yoongi panicked to himself as Taehyung held him. 

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