Part 34

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The next morning Taehyung was the first to wake up, Yoongi was still sleeping besides him so Taehyung wondered what he should do, besides punishing Yoongi today with the things he bought yesterday. As Taehyung thought about this he got out of bed and got ready. After he took a shower and changed into new clothes, Taehyung made breakfast and went to his room to wake Yoongi up. Taehyung shook Yoongi awake and lightly kissed him on the cheek.

"Good Morning~"

"Morning" Yoongi said as he yawned and stretched his body.

"I made breakfast so come eat and get ready cause we are going out"

"To where?"

"It's a surprise" Taehyung said with a smile and ruffled Yoongi's hair, Taehyung then left the room to go back to the kitchen.

"I'll forget about the punishment, those bastards did enough yesterday" Taehyung thought to himself before he remembered something else. Taehyung saw Yoongi walking out of the room yawning again and sat down at the table with Taehyung.



"Where are we going?"

"I can't tell you it's a surprise~"


"Nope, anyways what did you guys do yesterday"

"Oh we walked in and out of stores just looking around until 7 cause that's when the movie started, but when I met up with them and asked Jungkook what movie we were watching he said that we were watching infinity war and endgame, the movies were three hours long each, but it was still fun, besides Jungkook almost getting up kicked out for yelling Iron Man or Tony Stark each time he came on screen" Yoongi explained which made Taehyung laugh because knowing Jungkook, he would do that. When they finished eating Yoongi left the table to take a shower, which left Taehyung to clean the dishes, after washing the dishes Taehyung put on his sweater and shoes while he waited for Yoongi. When Yoongi was done showering and changing his clothes he went to the front door to put on his shoes. Taehyung noticed that Yoongi was dressed in a red shirt, black skirt, black stockings and assumed Yoongi was wearing some panties.

"Can you pass me your hoodie?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung grabbed it and gave it to Yoongi, who put it on. They walked out of the house, Yoongi following Taehyung to where ever they were headed until he heard happy kid like music and when he looked up he saw an amusement park. Yoongi's face lit up, because he has never gone to a place like this. Taehyung noticed Yoongi's excitement and walked up to the ticket booth with Yoongi and bought a wrist band so that they can go on as many rides as they wanted. As they walked in Yoongi couldn't help but smile and quickly grabbed Taehyung's hand.

"Let's go to that ride!" Yoongi said happily while looking at Taehyung with a smile. Taehyung smiled seeing Yoongi so happy and nodded Yoongi practically dragging Taehyung to the ride. When they got on the ride they sat down and Taehyung put on Yoongi's seatbelt and his own afterward. When the ride started it slowly moved back and fourth but got faster each time. Taehyung held Yoongi's hand and lifted both hands in the air laughing at Yoongi who was screaming his head off. When they got off the ride Yoongi wiped away his tears from going on that ride. Taehyung was still laughing until he was lightly hit by Yoongi.

"Do you want to go on a roller coaster? Its better than this one" Taehyung said. Yoongi nodded and followed Taehyung to a roller coaster. As they were in line Yoongi noticed some people got off the ride crying, saying that it was scary.

"How bad can it be?"  Yoongi asked himself as the line moved forward. When they got on the ride Yoongi put on the seatbelt and waited for the ride to start. When the ride started Yoongi didn't expect it to go really fast, the coaster trail then went high up Yoongi wanted to get off but knew he couldn't so he grabbed onto Taehyung's arm as the roller coaster went more up, slowly going over the small arch at the top before going down very quickly. Yoongi held on to Taehyung and started screaming, tears forming in his eyes as he screamed. Yoongi thought the ride was going to be over, until it passed the people controlling the ride.

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