Part 40

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The next morning Yoongi woke up, but felt very weak so he just laid in bed looking at the ceiling. Taehyung soon woke up and kissed Yoongi. Taehyung sat up in bed and stretched his body and looked at Yoongi.

"Good morning~"



"......" Yoongi didn't respond until Taehyung hugged him, easily sitting him on his lap.

"What wrong?" Taehyung asked as he held Yoongi in one arm and lifted Yoongi's face, the two looking at each other.

"I-I can't m-move... I feel to weak" Yoongi said in a soft voice, feeling to embarrassed. Taehyung smiled and carried Yoongi.

"W-wait what are you doing?!"

"We are going to take a shower"

"For what?"






"I can't go to school! I can barely move my body! Hell i can probably sit up for a second!"

"That's why your going to sit on my lap, so that I can hold you up" Taehyung said as he closed the bathroom door.

-After their shower- 

Once they were done with their shower Taehyung got himself and Yoongi dressed. Before leaving Taehyung got his bag and Yoongi's and left the house. Yoongi was already dying even though he was in Taehyung's arms. When Taehyung got to class he sat down in his seat and sat Yoongi on his lap. 

"Do you feel better?" Taehyung asked and Yoongi shook his head. A few minutes later the teacher walked in talking about a trip that they were going to have and that the school would order two busses for their class and a few freshmen class. Taehyung eyes sparkled while Yoongi didn't give a fuck. When the teacher handed out the paper to go on the trip Taehyung instantly filled out both his and Yoongi's papers and waited for the teacher to walk by to hand it to him. After doing so Taehyung looked at Yoongi to see him asleep.

"Maybe I shouldn't have...done what i did" Taehyung thought to himself, but remembering how Yoongi reacted to everything Taehyung smiled, but instantly thought of something else. After collecting all the papers the teacher sat down and told the class that he just needed the freshmen to turn in their papers later so that they can leave that day.

-Time skip- 

After they were told that the freshmen turned in their papers the teachers asked that they packed some clothes. When class finished and the school bell rang Taehyung as Hyun-wu to take care of Yoongi while he went home to pack their clothes. Hyun-wu agreed and waited for Taehyung to hurry back so that they can switch. Hyun-wu then hear the teachers telling the students to hold their things or either put them in the bus container. 

" Fuck it, I'll buy some clothes" Hyun-wu said as Yoongi continued to sleep. When Taehyung arrived everyone was already on the bus and the teacher told Taehyung to go in the other bus. Taehyung did and when he entered the bus, no one was there, Taehyung sat at the back of the bus, amazed by how the buses had curtains on the side, front and back of the bus.

"Alright, I'm going to listen to music so do what ever" The bus driver said as he put on his headphones and closed the curtains. Taehyung sat down and closed the curtain, placing Yoongi to his right. When the bus started moving Yoongi moved around in his seat and eventually woke up.

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